I am sorry, If you did not pick up the sparrow with a character before deleting it then you will not be able to purchase it with any other characters at the Special Order vendor.
This is a completely unacceptable answer. The item should be sent to all new characters - not just one during your first login. I had purchased the expansion before I have even created a character, and ended up making several characters before deciding on the one I currently play. My first character would have been deleted before I even reached the tower.
I guess the only option is to perform a charge-back on my credit card and re-purchase the expansion?
You can talk to your retailer about refunding the expansion purchase. Contacting your credit card company to charge back the purchase, in this case, would be fraud. I wouldn't recommend it.
What you do to your credit is your choice. If it were me I would just wait and hope they fix the problem. Imaginary in game objects<good credit practices.
First off, thanks for getting back to me. And second, Is there any way to be able to get it in the future? Either through future dlc or update. Maybe separate purchase? Thank you again!