Hey, Bungie Community.
I hope you had a nice weekend.
We noticed that you noticed that we already have plans for upcoming content packs in Destiny.
We do! They have activity names (which may or may not change) and we have a really good idea what they're going to contain. They even have placeholder nodes in the Director, as you've already discovered.
But neither of the Expansion Packs we've announced are finished.
People at Bungie are hard at work to complete content for our first post launch pack, "The Dark Below," as I type these words. It will be finished soon. It releases in December. Soon, we'll detail it out for you so you can see exactly what we've been working on.
Thanks for playing. Thanks for the passion. We know you want details. We'll talk more soon.
Not to sound rude or anything, just generally saying here. Can you guys work on helping us to understand the story more in future content? Also, maybe release something for Holloween or Christmas too (like a Tower Theme or freebies for doing an event)? Other than that, I'm not going to leave this game anytime soon, and I hope Bungie upholds it's promise of this game being the best MMO FPS game to come out ever in the history of gaming! XD