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8/27/2014 3:55:06 AM
Part III [b]Walking on Water: Striving for Perfection[/b] You’ve made it, more or less. While there are always exceptions to the rule, so long as you’ve followed what I’ve had to say and put in the time, you’re off to a great start, or more hopefully, you’re succeeding. Here are a few other things to keep in mind: [i]Clan Features[/i] 2.0, or whatever we’re calling it, introduced a significant number of new features for groups, all of which I think are great. Let’s start with turning your group into a clan, or turning your clan into a more official clan. Do it. That’s all I’ve got to say there. While it may not be appropriate for all groups, it is, more often than not, going to be a great idea. If your members don’t want to set it to their primary clan, that’s fine, they’ll still be members, so you shouldn’t worry about losing members as a result. If anything you’re going to gain members. How? Well, if some of your members do set it as their primary clan, your name is going to follow them in game wherever they go. First perk, instant and continuous advertisement. The second? If they’re quality members, playing together, and showing off what a blast it is to be in your community, people will come looking for it. Great, right? So, turn that group into a clan. Don’t be shy, and then start looking to alliances. Find other likeminded clans and work together, form friendships and competitive rivalries between the two. Set up “clan wars,” and make it an exciting rivalry and both parties will benefit. There’s a strength in numbers, and if you aim to work together, and not against each other, that strength is really there. [i]Group Wall[/i] One of the new 2.0 features, is the group wall. Think of it like a wall on Facebook. How you use this wall is up to you. You can use it for news and limit it to administrators only, and just use it as a bulletin board, or you can use it more like a messaging client. The only caution I advise is that if it becomes too popular with your members, it could harm forum activity, and if it is set as your “home page,” remember every prospective member is going to see it. [b]Ad Nauseam [/b] Groups have always been a unique and powerful aspect of When transitioned into the darkness some of the communities oldest chapters withered away, and with them, many of the quality members housed within. I hope that in reading this you’ve gained some valuable knowledge that will help you reclaim the much of the glory of years past and inspire a new generation within the community. You will most likely fail, but don’t give up. Pursue your crazy schemes, and add your own spark to the broad and diverse culture that exists here on Ask questions, learn, and be brave, guardian. [url=]tl;dr[/url]

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