I'll bet you that most of your "Sony Fanboys" vastly prefer the Xbox 360 over the PS3, and support the PS4 because they believe it to be the superior console, free of brand loyalty. The console wars are over, and no one likes the few asshats who are still trying to fight them on either side.
That's basically my position. I have Xbox 360 but I'm not going to forget how MS tried to shaft me with their policies. That's why I'm switching, and because ps4 is more powerful. And when I post things about ps4 it's usually talking down idiots who say stupid stuff about it haha.
Crap sorry I replied. Meant to comment :)
I think that Sony fanboys are the worst. Seriously go check out Xbox One videos on IGN's channel but Xbox fanboys seem to defend the Xbox One only on there channel when Sony fanboys come and spam hate. They do attack PS4 once in a while though. Not sure if you heard about the PS fanboys attacking Toys 'r' Us YouTube channel. Seriously there needs to be a medical condition for them.
How often to do you look through IGN articles? Every PS4 article is littered with xbox fanboys trying to badmouth the ps4.
I only check out their YouTube channel most of the time. Rarely go on articles. But as I said there should be a medical condition for fanboys if they're so desperate.