But [url=http://phenomena.nationalgeographic.com/2013/06/20/snug-as-a-bug-in-a-bug-in-a-bug/]How did cells become so complex?[/url]
Put briefly, chemical evolution and natural selection. I am planning to start a book in the next few days. It's titled [i]What is life? How chemistry becomes biology[/i] by Addy Pross. I can get back to you with more detail once I've read it.
Edited by Obi Wan Stevobi: 6/29/2013 3:29:55 AMOh, I know, the article is pointing out how some single cell organisms have been captured by others to become complex organelles. bacteria that live within cells form such a [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endosymbiotic_theory]symbiotic relationship[/url] that they actually become incorporated into the host cells DNA and eventually become part of that cell. Crazy stuff. Complex cellular life is just simple cells+bacteria a couple billion years ago.