Not sure how much interest there is in this, but I just wanted to post a link to the BOB Index that I created and Wu is hosting at HBO:
It has links to every Saved Film that I've created for all but three of the BOBs in Halo: Reach. I hope to get the last three BOBs soon, but who knows.
Specifically, these Saved Films are Legendary, full-run, no-death runs of a level wherein I kill the numbered BOB per my BOB Video Guide on YouTube:
If you have any BOB questions/comments/concerns, then I think this should be the forum tag for it. If this is in the wrong place, let me know. I know a lot of people probably don't care about this, but since I'm the only one who's gone this far with it, I figure I might as well finish.
Please note that I do not expect helmets and secret endings to rain from the sky upon completion, I'm just doing this for the challenge.
I think you should have the "Gaming" tag up there so more people will see this. Also, I honestly do wonder if the BoB's served a higher purpose than a shiny medal.