I remember this. I still feel like there's something we never found regarding them, and I would be very interested in finding out what that is. Do you really think they're there just for an added challenge, like Halo 2 skulls?
Didn't Bungie say a couple months ago that they still had one more Easter Egg we never found?
I'm sure there's tons of them we haven't found, even in older games.
I hadn't heard that; I'd love to see a source though!
Honestly I think they were never fully implemented. I'm guessing there was supposed to be something more to them, but Bungie didn't have time to finish it, so they just left them in as-is and moved on. The rather unconcerned response I got from Bungie about the glitched BOB on Tip of the Spear indicates they're not particularly important.
It does sound like you've done all you can. But if you ever get any ideas or revelations, let me know. I'd be happy to help in some way. I still care about the Bobs, mostly because I'm pretty stubborn about believing in easter eggs. I'm still expecting the secret of Sandtrap to show up somtime.
Don't hold your breath! Bungie's decentralized game development strategy means that often only one or two people will know about an easter egg once the game ships, and if they're not talkative, then it's possible no one will ever tell the whole story behind an in-game mystery.