Can we please get reworks for Starfire and Secant Filaments to not only work with empowering rift. This class ability is so outdated and obsolete with things like radiant
Let starfire work with Radiant over empowering rift
Let Secant Filaments activate off any class ability (Healing rift, Empowering rift, Phoenix dive)
. [quote]Can we please get reworks for Starfire and Secant Filaments to not only work with empowering rift.[/quote] . Idk what to tell you. Sounds like a skill issue. . [b]SFP[/b] is a [i]DPS Exotic[/i]. Just run [i]Searing+Mercy[/i] as your fragments alongside of [i]Emperyean[/i] for [b]chaining Resto[/b]. Then you keep the sustain & are backed up with [b]Radiance & EMP Rift[/b] for massive [i]DPS[/i]. . If you [b]AREN'T[/b] using [b]EMP Rift[/b] on [i]Void[/i], you aren't playing [i]Void-Lock[/i] correctly. [b]Devour is OP[/b]. That is your sustain. Being able to [b]Weaken[/b] targets [b]AND[/b] have a [b]Weapon Buff[/b] allows for [i]massive[/i] [i]DPS[/i] output. [b]IDK[/b] what else to tell you, but [b]EMP Rift[/b] was built for [i]Void[/i]. .
They won't change it because that would mean more viable builds, which would then mean they have to keep an eye on more stuff, which would mean they'd have to do their jobs. Now you're crossing the fúcking line.
Unless you got devour going on, I wouldn’t
Only place I see it get used is in Crucible and it's only when someone is trying to run a cheese loadout. With the way Bungie designs PvE these days, using anything other than Healing Rift is asking to get sent to orbit.
Edited by Lich: 1/24/2025 7:26:48 AMNever cared for it. I tried it out for a few builds it's even worse to try and pair it with Child of the old gods! The health returns are piss poor. Even with the new changes to Secant Filaments, it won't be worth using. Disrupt isn't what makes the exotic what does is devour on command. Since it was removed in Void 3.0 They finally added synergy to it with devour kills granting rift energy. If the child of the old gods gave dark matter healing per tick, it might be worth using. Till then, nope.
Also Empowering Rift just needs a straight up buff.