Old system:
D1 had 9 wins - 1 mercy loss forgiveness. Guaranteed exclusive gear (pariah armor, adept weapons)
Current D2 system:
7 wins - 2 mercy forgiveness.
Poor matchmaking; (My experience: Matching with the same teammates over & over/ enemies over & over consistently losing in a row due to matchmaking).
Ferocity got reworked.
Win 3 in a row & get locked in to 3 wins, then win 4 in a row. [b]Easier to do than to bank all in on a mercy card[/b] due to poor matchmaking imbalances.
New system:
7 wins - infinite losses = Lighthouse trip.
[quote][b]All you need to do[/b] is [u]win seven games[/u] on a Lighthouse Passage and you will earn entrance to the Lighthouse,[u] regardless of how many losses are on the card[/u][/quote]
[b]So what's the catch?[/b]
[quote][b]Osirian Ciphers x3[/b]
Ascendant Shard Chance - 45%
[b]Adept Trials Weapon Chances[/b]: you’ll have[b] "two"[/b] chances to earn Adept Trials weapons with each Lighthouse chest. [b]The chances for a drop are dependent on your highest weekly win streak and the number of wins completed as a full fireteam.[/b][/quote]
Solo players only have 1 chance, Three stacks have 2 chances (1 guaranteed).
[quote][b]Weekly win streak:[/b]
[b]One-win - 30%
Two-win - 60%
Three-win or more - 100%[/b]
[b]Wins as Trio[/b]
[b]One Win – Seven Wins - 15%-100%[/b]
So if you are the worst of the worst solo player, worst case scenario, hard carried by randomly matching with better teammates to get 7 wins. [b]You barely get anything out of it[/b]. No guaranteed shader anymore, No chance at cosmetics, [b]not even a guaranteed Adept but rather a chance at one.[/b]
- And in my trials experience; especially someone who [b]mains the Ferocity card[/b]; [u]Win streaks are harder to obtain for casual audiences.[/u] [b]In terms of going Flawless it was way more consistent than Mercy.[/b]
[b]Say 3 win streak is easy & doable for casual audiences...[/b]
In regards to buying adept weapons, [b]your Lighthouse chest AND 3 win streak doesn't give you enough ciphers to buy an adept weapon.[/b]
[quote][b]1-Win Streak[/b]
Enhancement Cores 3-5x
Enhancement Prism x1
Ascendant Shard x1
Adept Mod x1
Ghost Shell - 50 progress points (this system will be explained in the Rewards section, below).
Hardened By Trial emblem - First time only if not already earned.
[b]2-Win Streak[/b]
[u]Osirian Ciphers x2[/u]
[b]3-Win Streak[/b]
[u]Osirian Ciphers x2[/u]
Trials Armor x1
[b]4-Win Streak[/b]
[u]Osirian Ciphers x2[/u]
Enhancement Cores x5
[b]5-Win Streak[/b]
Yellow Trials Glow
[u]Osirian Ciphers x1[/u]
Base Trials Weapon x1
Trials Memento x1
Trials Vehicle - 30 progress points
Trials Ghost Shell - 100 progress points
Trials Shaders - Knockout list (one per week)
Flawless Emblems - First time only if not already earned.
Light for the Lost emblem
Flawless Empyrean emblem
Sunward Ordeal emblem[/quote]
[b]Adept weapon cost: 10 ciphers
Lighthouse chest: 3 cipher
Weekly win streak: 7 ciphers (Requiring 5 win streak per week to buy 1 Adept weapon per week)[/b]
Go to the lighthouse 3 times for 9 ciphers. 21 wins [u]with at minimum a 2 win streak to get 11 ciphers.[/u]
And the only other way to farm for adepts is tied to the [b]4 win streak system[/b] on a completed passage. (As shown in their white reward graph)
Im so glad I've been lucky enough to get the cosmetics I've wanted after the 11th lighthouse trip because the Cosmetic Point System to earn these items feels very tedious & long.
Glad I have what I have at this current moment because their goal is to make you play trials for a very very long time (In pursuit of ghost shells, ships, & sparrows).
[b]I hope the Dazzling Iridescence emblem rotates out & becomes exclusively unavailable now that Trials Cards do not have a Penalty system. Pigeon wins will be easier to get now & the value of this emblem & the effort I put into it (Same with scarab heart in D1...)would be further diminished. [/b]
[b]Handing out exclusive emblems for free that required hard work to obtain... Please do not repeat this a 3rd time bungie.[/b]
It is going to be really interesting what if anything the changes do for Trials. If the initial feel of the matches is still deemed too sweaty or not worth X hours of play to get 7 wins then this will do nothing to increase the population. The streak system sounds great on paper but if a non-dedicated Trials player goes on losing streaks or flip flops one win and one loss the rewards are still worth none of the time invested. This will not keep the player base they are attempting to attract. Streak bonuses will only continue the drive for cheats, recoveries, and hardware manipulation further making the casual player feel devoid of agency and push them to not return thusly defeating the hope to increase the player basis of the activity. Trials, I feel, is still going to be in its death spiral.
[quote]Dazzling Iridescence emblem rotates out & becomes exclusively[/quote] It's exclusivity was gone the moment it became achievable with a ferocity card. They made adept weapons a lot easier to obtain and farm for a casual audience; they want more players in the lighthouse.. and now these same players will ALSO make progress on a 5w streak towards cosmetics. There are nothing but wins here for the casual audience AND they have the other mode for the others -blam!- just wanted engrams and rep. [quote]Cosmetic Point System to earn these items feels very tedious & long.[/quote] This is a good thing - more players in the playlist for longer. Players wanted deterministic way to obtain loot; it's here now.
i saw cammy’s take and im confused on how farming a flawed card with 4-winstreak is worse than what we already have or rather what ppl are making it out to be? i rlly like mercy card, but i guess since it sounds like it’ll be harder to win atleast 4 games in a row as opposed to winning 7 out of 9 to farm a card maybe thats why ppl are upset about the farming method? my understanding is that a 4-winstreak farm is equivalent to going flawless now and farming a card idr what the drop rates are for solo vs trio wins currently and whether the % drop rates in cammy’s video are for solo [b]and[/b] trios or [b]exclusively[/b] trios source of img is from cammycakes btw
Trials needs more players, as Bungie said trials best weekend is worse than IBs worst weekend. Meaning there is something fundamentally turning players away from trials and actively killing the population. Bungie also pointed out how most trials players are actually solo players not teams. So these changes are means to increase the population by giving players a reason to play instead of not even engaging
for the cosmetic part is kinda still the same, is rng with a point system for a 100% drop at the end