Have to give credit a great change for the trials changes, that will really benefit casuals! great to see some awesome pvp loot accessible to so many! that armour also looks good!
Agreed! I am looking forward to Finally getting all the armour sets on my other characters next season.
i like the changes, but i hope with the next dlc they stop adding back old guns, i don't care about having an unique gun model etc etc, just add new guns
If you mean solos (when you say casuals) I am not so sure, duos will now match with trios and solos will therefore be more likely to be making up the numbers (with loss protection) in an attempt to 'encourage teamplay' ... I think that will discourage solo players as their chances of facing a trio will increase (that is how I read it). Plus apart from the guaranteed armor drop, all the other rewards are meh, will probably take 30+ games for 7 wins with the majority having only 1 or 2 win streaks!
The problem is even though bring in a lot of players it still don’t mean the teams will be balance there just be more .5s running around
How is this benefiting casuals? You still need to get seven wins to get to the Lighthouse. And with the playlist still being full of sweats and cheaters, not to mention the poor matchmaking, it could possibly take someone quite a while to get that Lighthouse trip. An average player will quickly realize it's not worth their time to go through this every weekend, and leave just as quickly.
Trials is fine…
They did something very similar before and it only lasted a couple of weeks