I am wondering if my luck is just very bad or if this is happening to anyone else. Last trials weekend, I was farming for the adept weapon when I ended up losing the flawless on my card. I decided to reset the card and ended up going flawless again but this time I farmed several more wins out however now I cannot get the adept weapon to drop at all. Fast forward to this week, I went flawless and started to farm extra wins for the adept but still after 4-5 wins not one single drop. Is this some sort of bug or just very bad luck?
I don’t know this for 100% but I am almost sure that for adept weapons you need a non flawed card so no ❌ to get adept weapons. And you need a win with a 7 wins card. Or else it won’t drop
It might just be bad luck idk. All I know is I keep getting discord and target lock on shayura and it's starting to tilt me a little.