I'm asking.
I don't know.
Here's the lore:
[url=https://www.destinypedia.com/Winterbite#Lore]DON'T SLIP OR YOU'LL HURT YOURSELF. A LOT.[/url]
ARTIFACT REF X0003; EXO-IND4b0082.log 090260163
TYPE: bridge audio recorder
PARTIES: M. Sundaresh [IC-3612], C. Esi [IC-3977], L. Tse [IC-6055], C. Sanchez [IC-5438], A. Murib (IC-xxxx)
ESI: What was that?
MURIB: We got hit. Engine 7 is down.
SUNDARESH: We can't take another one of those! This is a colony ship!
ESI: Hard aport. Put Hyperion between us and that—
MURIB: Sir, the r—
ESI: And flood the EM spectrum with—
MURIB: CHIOMA! The round—the one that hit us—it's moving!
ESI: What?
SUNDARESH: He's right. I'm reading… arms and legs? It's attacking engine 6.
SANCHEZ: I'll scramble a squad of Cloud Walkers. They can suit up and—
MURIB: The maneuvers I'm pulling'll fling them into space, even with mag boots.
TSE: Bringing point-defense cannons about.
ESI: It's only three meters across. Sure you can hit that without peeling us open?
TSE: Kinda have to, Cap'n. Firing.
MURIB: Buset! That thing just took a fifteen-millimeter burst to the chest!
ESI: Again.
TSE: Firing. It's clear!
MURIB: Mostly. [b][u]Looks like it left a… is that a spear through our bulkhead?[/u][/b]
SUNDARESH: [u]Not sure. It's some kind of exotic matter[/u] [Psionic Energy perhaps?], spitting all my sensor pings back at me, amplified, like a…
ESI: We can figure it out later, dear. Sanchez, how's the ECM?
SANCHEZ: Not great. Whatever they're using to coordinate, it's not electromagnetic. Getting something weird, though.
MURIB: [b][u]Weirder than the three-meter hitchhiker knocking on the hull?[/u][/b]
SANCHEZ: Maybe. You remember those Vex signals you discovered?
SUNDARESH: On occasion, Carlo.
SANCHEZ: There's a big one! Recurring. Coming from the outer system. Think it's a distress signal.
ESI: Ignore it and get me—
SUNDARESH: No! Bring us back around into the moon's shadow!
ESI: Maya!
SUNDARESH: We need to break line of sight. I can feed that Vex signal into that thing skewering us—use it like an amplifier. It might trick these attackers into thinking we're a Vex ship.
MURIB: It's a tightbeam transmission. We'll have to ride it back to the source to keep that up. You sure you want to meet whatever makes a Vex cry for help?
ESI: Enemy of my enemy, Arief. We might just find a safe port in this storm".[/i]
This is record of the Exodus Indigo... a colony ship as it was attacked by a 9-foot tall enemy... solo, that could survive and travel as fast as the Exodus Indigo in the vacuum of space.
Wielding a weapon that SHOULDN'T have existed when they were attacked.
Why do I think this? Rahool told us:
[i]"A lance aligned with the psychic plane, capable of dispelling Light.
I regret to disclose that the Cryptarchy's following report on the so-called "Synaptic Spear" is woefully ill-prepared, even coming as it does from the few fledgling Cryptarchs who are not busy studying Savathûn's throne world. I myself am overseeing the construction of the Psisorium, where a Psionically gifted individual could theoretically scan through the networked memories of preserved minds, but I digress…
Based as it is on the Light-suppressing technology that Dominus Ghaul used to restrain the Traveler during the Red War, the Synaptic Spear is capable of interrupting or dispelling a single instance of Light if, and only if, it is wielded by a Lightbearer. However, this repellant effect is too weak to be of any use in the physical plane—the spear is only capable of disrupting Light in an environment charged with Psionic energies.
Even then, it cannot be used against a subject unless they are also a Lightbearer (perish the thought!) who believes themselves in such a perilous situation that they manifest an aspect of their Light in the Psionic environment. That aspect could then, it is theorized, be slain by the spear, leaving the subject Lightless in the physical plane.
In short, Commander, any use of the Synaptic Spear relies on a truly improbable chain of hypotheticals. With such an inconceivably narrow usage, it is difficult to imagine how this spear will be of any use to us in the battles ahead.
—Master Rahool"[/i]
Where did Rahool get this information?
Rahool, puppet of Mara Sov... my theory.
The spear lodged in the bulkhead was a synaptic spear.
If true, a Lightbearer attacked the Exodus Indigo.
So, who was it?
Clickbait spinfoil
Architect Mind
Not much of an NPC - old
I feel like Mara is utilizing the tools that are also using her... If she establishes the pattern and rebirth... Which she has already done... Like what is happening imo with the witness... All these beings, dying to be reborn... Have to lose to win... We imagined and unimagined ourselves upon reality... -
Architect Mind
Not much of an NPC - old
You asked me why does the light forget? It helps... I am a facsimile of a child that was brutally killed... I was given a place to forget and grow... They (not revealing too much) thought I was a girl... I should, as Guardian code and what I understand from Savvy, not pursue my past pains... The purpose of better thoughts and hope for a better future .. -
[quote]The spear lodged in the bulkhead was a synaptic spear.[/quote] Or maybe it was the fu[i]ck[/i]ing spear the whole entry was attached to