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Edited by Desolator0: 8/31/2022 11:19:01 PM

A high-skilled player's experience of the new SBMM

To explain what I mean by "high-skilled player", I want to begin by establishing my stats since I know someone is going to stat-check me anyways. [url=]According to Destiny Tracker[/url], I was Top 500 in the world for Trials, Iron Banner, and Survival for the past three seasons (and once for Gambit, not that anyone cares about it lol). I have an overall 2.33 K/D average and regularly go flawless in Trials. I overwhelmingly play solo except in Trials. I am not trying to humble brag or pat myself on the back; it's just to establish what kind of player I am and who SBMM is going to try to put me against. My experience has been that every single game has been an absolute sweatfest. Every single match, at least one player leaves the match, and sometimes multiple bail out at random points in the game. I've seen many more people intentionally quitting mid-game than I did last season or even season before. In my last Control game, I saw a player on the enemy team leave at the end despite them WINNING the game against us. I see little reason why he would do this despite it being a guaranteed win for him had he stayed for the following 7 points. It was probably to protect his KAD on his emblem since I believe it doesn't count if you quit the match. Again, this is the kind of player and behavior you're going to see regularly in this skill bracket. Almost every single player is using a 100% meta loadout, meta subclass (usually Arc because that's the flavor of this season), and is trying their absolute hardest. I regularly have easier Survival and Trials games even against full, premade fireteams than I have recently experienced in the new Control playlist. Games are bitterly fought and get extremely toxic extremely fast, and with every single game, I've been tbagged and emoted on (usually by some pathetic HC + Shotgun + Stompees Arc Hunter tryhard - you know exactly who I mean). I'm sure if I had my messages as public, I'd have gotten some hate mail, too. No, I'm not complaining about being tbagged or taunted, just pointing it out. I feel like this is just a consequence of regularly playing the tryhards now because that's the kind of behavior common among this skill bracket, from my experience. If I do not try my hardest and pull my weight, my team will not win. Even if I do this, I've lost pretty badly from some stacked teams that I've fought. SBMM is definitely putting me against better players. Still, it's quickly gotten to a degree where every single game is a tryhard-fest, and feels like I'm playing a tournament instead of a Quickplay match trying to complete some bounties or a weekly challenge. And before someone comes in and says "you just want to stomp casuals", no I don't. I just don't want to never be allowed to not try again without being sh*tstomped by the enemy team. I've read complaints about the lag being worse, but that hasn't been my experience so far. I haven't fought any egregiously laggy players and it has seemingly improved slightly from last season, but I honestly wouldn't put too much weight into this as it's only the second week in the season and it could appear better/worse to me later on. I figured I'd add my two cents to this conversation, so feel free to ask me whatever you want if you have any questions.

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  • Edited by Kouz_MC: 9/3/2022 8:09:14 AM
    You just don’t get it at all. There are a lot of players who just complete their 8 bounties. After they’re done, the second they are done, whatever the win/loss situation, they bail. It’s the same situation every season, EVERY ACTIVITY. This season is more marked only because a lot of D1 vets came back for Oryx, and they just don’t care and don’t have time for anything else. The fact remains that two weeks into the season, with similar levels of pve players, there’s almost twice more players everyday in pvp. It’s no banner, it’s no trials, yet almost twice more pvp players every single day. You can make a case of SBMM not being perfect yet, however no one at Bungie is going to say: hey we lost 50% players and it sucks. That’s what used to happened every single previous season. And so many of these players bought the full Fortnite sets. I’m sure Bungie is very happy this season.

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    • Edited by TheArtist: 9/1/2022 1:47:50 PM
      No personal disrespect. But you are simply getting a small taste of what average players experienced playing against you for the last 3 years under CBMM. You are having to compete now if you want to win matches, rather than being allowed to dominate weaker players. Many of whom had little if any realistic chance to beat you. The difference though is you have the skill to fight back, and the ability to compete. What I’m hearing is that you don’t find this as enjoyable. …and that’s the root issue here. The conflict between two irreconcilable definitions of fun. Those who enjoy competing against players of similar skill, versus those who enjoy dominating players of lesser skill. One is competitive. The other is predatory. The market is such that one game can no longer serve both. Which is why half of the Crucibles player base melted away over the last three years. I’m always amazed at how so many high skill players expect average players to accept conditions that those same high skill players consider unacceptable for themselves.

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      • Locking per request.

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      • I guess its working…chuckle

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      • Boo hoo. I have to play against people as good as me now. 😭

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        20 Replies
        • Edited by RabbitTears: 9/3/2022 11:24:42 AM
          You’re not competitive player if you’re complaining about always sweating. You’re vsing people at your skill level now who are better than you. So, Stop crying and get good.

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          6 Replies
          • As a somewhat decent player, I am all for the sweatfest. It's player vs player. There's no way to guarantee a "fun" or "chill" pvp mode unless the odds are stacked in someone's favor. Using "Top 500" from a third party website doesn't make your experience/opinion have any more weight than the guy who has 100 total crucible games under his belt. It's a video game brother. Have fun and shoot stuff!

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            • Here's how it really is, you're driving a formula 1 race car because that's how good you are. So because of your class and speed you naturally and fairly get put against all the other formula 1 cars. But... you're entertaining the idea that it might be nice to just have a Sunday drive instead of a race, so you say hey guys let's just go slow today, but it's hard to go slow in a ultra fast car so bit by bit everyone starts going faster because nobody wants to actually come last even on a Sunday drive.

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              • Edited by mdcaimbeul: 9/3/2022 2:46:22 PM
                This is EXACTLY WHAT THIS FEELS LIKE.

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              • I agree with you, sadly the amount of people that dont understand what the problems with sbmm are, never will. From a perspective of a lower/middle skilled pvp Player, i have no reason to try to get better, because when im getting better my enemies will aswell. There is no point in trying of you dont get awarded. Imagine the same for pve. Imagine enemies would scale with how good you are. I have a friend that is very good in pvp in other games but i cant play apex or cod with him because i get shitstomped in his lobbies. If a real outlier very nonstrict sbmm would be implemented id be fine with it. But obv this mm doesnt do it Right.

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              • It’s gotten to the point that if you’re against SBMM you’re a “sweaty tryhard crybaby” and if you’re for it then you’re a “casual who needs to git gud”. You made some very good points, but I think the forums has become so divided on this subject that they’ve decided to smash the downvote button just because you’re well above average at the game

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                7 Replies
                • Trials this season is gonna be such a wake up call for all the pro-sbmm players here 😂

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                  9 Replies
                  • I thank you for giving me a thumbs up on my suggestions. We can only hope bungie takes it into consideration 🤷‍♂️🙏

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                    • Well, the metrics Bungie produced showed how dismal CBMM was, and how detrimental it was to the PvP experience. To add, that is exactly what is supposed to happen with SBMM. Bungie never said this was implemented to be [i]"less sweaty"[/i], at least not what I read, unless I've missed anything. SBMM's sole purpose is balance, but also, the part everyone seems to forget, its a [b][i]hybrid[/i][/b], so it most likely still has some sort of CBMM to help. Balance means everyone will put in alot of effort instead of top players getting everything easy, and average players getting nothing out of it but headaches, really. So yes, for the top people it will seem way more sweaty, because its now, all top players against each other, which is exactly how it should be. Just because you're at the top, doesn't mean it should be easy. In fact, the very nature of being in the top 500 is as sweaty as it gets, you don't just get a break from it. That's your lot, it gets way harder, you only have 499 places above you in the world... Expecting less sweat at that level is just confusing to me. You know the path to get there, how hard that was. That doesn't stop. Just because you worked your -blam!- off up to this, doesn't mean you should get it easier at some point. Being good at something just means you have way more responsibility, that's it. Join an elite group by choice, or earned skill that just puts you there by chance, and you effectively get less choices, with harder options because you've already reached the pinnacle, where less people reside. I'm not trying to speak for anyone, but just observing; the average players seem to be feeling like a weight has been lifted and they have more options, as I'm seeing crazy variety now in loadouts. I'm an average player and it feels way less sweaty than it did. Haven't seen that in years, but that's to be expected for larger groups in this change, at least to me.

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                      3 Replies
                      • This is exactly what Bungie cultivates in this no skill joke of a circus they call crucible. I take great offense to your comment. " I've been tbagged and emoted on (usually by some pathetic HC + Shotgun + Stompees Arc Hunter tryhard - you know exactly who I mean)" You are nothing but a judgemental jerk blaming others for your own insecurities. Stop crying, pick up a hand cannon and shotty and get good, because obviously you are a stat farmer or camper. Destiny pvp is a joke so stop taking yourself so seriously and get in there and fight it out. See ya with the 1.0's

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                        7 Replies
                        • I wanted to ask if anyone else experienced this, but there is one thing I noticed, this happened with CBMM too, but I think it's becoming a bit more prominent with SBMM. I noticed that I have like 1-3 really good games in a row, then for the next 5 ish it's a sweat fest, or I get weird balancing, or you get leavers, then the cycle repeats. This is practically the same situation I find modern cod being in, where your "skill" seems so transient that it just determines you to be high skill for one game, then lower for the next etc. Maybe it's just placebo idk

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                          9 Replies
                          • Bro just get gooder

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                            1 Reply
                            • As a trash can in pvp when CBMM I didn't really enjoy pvp due to always been stomped. In SBMM I haven't really been in since it was release. I have a question for the good pvp players. Why are the good pvp players allowed fun in pvp and the trash cans have to destroyed? Why are we not allowed "fun"?

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                              • Not trolling you for once, do you get a lot of matches time out but they’re still one sided eg; 138-70 Every match feels like one team either gets spawn trapped or gives up coming out of spawn

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                              • Anyone who is a 1.2KD or better is put into the same pool as Streamers and top 1% sweats, SBMM only protects dudes who play less then 10 games of control a week. Everyone else is now forced to have even worse lobby quality.

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                                6 Replies
                                • I think it’s a slugfest , full blown battle royal when the .4s go head to head with the .3s. Score usually ends up in the 30s , a tie , or time will run out . The tension is very high and chances are misadventure or the Architects will get the better of them😊

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                                  2 Replies
                                  • Legit having more balanced matches in elim and survival where sbmm should be more strict there's no LOOSE in this sbmm

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                                    1 Reply
                                    • Average players suffered what you are complaining about for 3 years. What did sweats say? Get good. So that should be the response to you. Just get good and you won't have these problems.

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                                      9 Replies
                                      • Sorry, but now you won’t as easily be able to curb-stomp the noobs and then pretend you are good.

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                                        2 Replies
                                        • I mean everyone is being negative twords this man and I understand that somewhat cause nobody just wants to be -blam!- on for another's pleasure, but the problem now is how the hell is -blam!- players like me supposed to get better at pvp. You will never adjust or think about how you should take a fight or learn if all you face is a guy running in a straight line with a shotgun. The problem is nowadays people don't want to try to get better they just want to run a weapon that is easy and see big numbers. And it goes both ways the high skill players are so worried about their stupid kd that they sweat on each other. How much you wanna bet if they added sbmm without telling people half wouldn't of even noticed enough to start running sweaty loadouts 🤷

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                                          5 Replies
                                          • That's a very long piece of text about you crying.

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