Go through your rocket launchers. Might be an unpopular opinion, but a rocket launcher is a rocket launcher. Unless it has tracking, cluster bomb, clown cartridge, or chain reaction, it's just that. A rocket launcher.
Grenade launchers are kinda the same.
u want vorpal not cluster
See I don't usually use rockets for boss damage anymore. They just feel too slow, especially on Champions. I don't really do grandmaster and anything otherwise I mainly solo, so I might be missing something. Rockets for me are mostly either PVP or large hoard cleanup.
pair that rocket with auto loading vorpal and a fusion with vorpal boom profit
Forgot auto loading. I'm good there. Fusion definitely. Dunno, might have to mess around more with my rockets, but the last few seasons I usually pop my fusion or a shotgun on stun. Well, except last season. Energy Accelerant plus Ruinous Effigy may have been the best bug they ever made.