[quote]So the quest starts out with a murder at the tower, Zavala is first on the scene and calls us his most capable guardian to attend the crime scene and scan for any clues.
Our ghost does a full scan of the area and short of the bloodied corpse theres nothing to be found. Upon analysing the body our ghost notices something strange about the wounds,
" it's as if they were shot and stabbed at the same time, what a unusual and horrible way to go" immediately Zavala looks terrified and shakily asks the ghost to repeat itself. " Looking closely at the wounds it's clearly a single blade puncture about 2 inches below the bullet wounds...high caliber rifle by the looks of it too " the ghost cautiously says. " impossible " Zavala stammers with a pale look on his face, turning away and mumbling to himself .. " it can't be..can it?.. no..by the light it mustn't be.. "
Hesitant to share any further insight to his obvious fear and inclination Zavala sends us down to the last city to chat with an old gunsmith who used to trade in the black market. Curious about the whole situation and the possible connections with the murder and black market weapons we set off.
I'll fast forward a bit, but basically we end up in a cat and mouse type game with the mysterious killer who leaves a trail of more bodies throughout the last city with hidden notes written in blood until we finally track them down to the old abandoned amusement park! The final victim is meant to be us! The last note said to " look where everyone else is looking back " ... so we make our way to the final encounter in the hall of mirrors.
A dark and ominous figure appears from thin air brandishing a heavy looking and blood stained rifle, our eyes fixed on the large blade as its dragged, scratching and shrieking against the ground below it by the killier lumbering slowly towards us.
Unmistakably a warlock of powers we've not seen before, ( possible new void subclass ) the fight begins! The fight itself plays out like a small arena crucible match. The killer uses the mirrors to confuse us and has abilities to summon silhouettes that mimic him and attack us. But also distract us from the real version of him. He also periodically shoots his own silhouettes to gain health back and swaps between them to launch other attacks at us. He's fast and impossible to lock down for more than a second, we realize we have to take out his silhouettes before he can to stop him from healing. After inflicting enough damage on the killer he pulls a move on us we never saw coming and rises up from the ground behind us stabbing us through the back! As we slump forward we notice a shinning light, a glint in the shadows and then a crack like thunder pierces our ears! The glass mirror shatters behind us and we feel the blade fall out from our back... as our vision fades we make out a pale blue face rushing towards us... " guardian! ... I've got you " Zavala exhales.
we wake up in the med bay in the tower with Zavala watching over us, he explains everything to us and tells us about the mad guardian killer and the tale of Red Death. He needed to lure the killer out with us as the ultimate victim in the sick madmans game. Only then could he be made vulnerable in the moment he thought he'd truly won, that is when Zavala was waiting to strike ( Zavala wore spec ops Awoken gear and used his sniper, Final boss ).
As a keepsake he gives us Red Death, saying he knows we will use it for good and that it's regeneration properties will prove quite useful for vanguard operations.[/quote]
Pulled this from another post that got buried under the usual pile of forum complaints, thought maybe someone would find it entertaining or even like the idea?
We already have crimson, just stop