This season has really broken my heart as a diehard destiny 2 player.
I'm asking respectfully, please give us a meaningful TWAB this week. Give us something solid in your plans and not vague "we're looking into it" answers.
To set expectations now, this week's TWAB will not have specifics on how numerous items of feedback will be addressed. We're nearing approval on some action items for Trials, which we've noted in a previous TWAB. We've had a few meetings just this week to talk through many of the major pain points that players are feeling. It sucks that things take time. Many of us wish we could turn around after a day to say "here is exactly what we're doing, how, and when to expect the patch", but rushing fixes could lead to more problems that could further impact your enjoyment of the game. Bandaid fixes could address feedback in the short term, but lead to development issues in the future. We want to make Destiny 2 the best it can be. We don't want to break hearts, as noted in the OP. We want to create places that inspire friendship. Quite a bit of Destiny 2 content still shines for new players, but we have work to do for those that have been around for the long run. Hope to have plans to share with you soon. We'll be loud and clear when we do.
These are written like a week in advance. We are listening. Blah blah blah Nerf warlocks Blah blah Tune Titian's Blah blah blah 💓 you Hunters uwu 💓 Move of the week
TWAB - We are going to nerf autos so that scouts which are pathetic at the moment will be OP, without actually changing scouts. There will be more error codes next week. Trials will have less rewards, no vendor updates, we have reduced the load in times from 30 mins to 29 mins (you’re welcome) and the best news is that Eververse will have new stock this week again! We’ve heard the streamers and we will include paywall in trials. For 1000 silver gets you one game of trials - win or lose.
Edited by hemlock: 4/10/2020 2:17:44 AMBungie on the TWAB: "GM NF mUsT bE wAtChAbLe" FFS 😩
Yeah this season blows and last one wasnt much better. I am so bored I completed all seasonal catalysts, and am now grinding character triumphs that should happen naturally through gameplay but have of these subclasss trees are useless.
No. No more false hope. No more promises. No more changing your mind on something a few seasons down the line and justify it as “decisions made based on recent feedback”. I’ll ride this year out because My friends bought it for me to bring me back to the game, but I’m done spending my time playing a game doing the same shit over and over for no purpose besides a word under my name that [i]i can’t even see[/i].
Edited by nonchalantone: 4/9/2020 11:13:41 AMTo me, when I see "TWAB", it stands for something totally different in my mind.... Like this "weak @ss BS". People are getting threatened with bans just for speaking about the state of the game, with no regards to their opinions. To think that's what this game has become????
Bungo's focus is on producing as little content as possible and grabbing as much dress / loading screen money as they can. Luke Smith has told us that a few times now. If they did type out a "meaningful TWAB that gives us hope" it would be nothing other than lies.
I'll put it simply. The only way they could give me any hope is saying: "Hi all we realize we failed with this complete mess of a sequel. We've insulted our lore community, broke promises, and kept releasing minimum viable content. We're done. No more releases till we actually playtest and do this correctly for once." But let's face it Bungie admitting they messed up is a hard stretch.
In a current TWAB it will tell us all the Luke Smith like pickles on his Burgers
Your plea fell on Deaf Ears... Their only concern is Trials.
Edited by Vex: 4/10/2020 8:11:10 AMStreamstiny the "Watchable" game where simps stare at twitch and mixer hoping to win carries for GM NFs and Trials while the playerbase is bored af with bounty sims.
I can’t wait to see BUNGIE tank. 😂
LOL hope. I hoped that the couple of obvious super and heavy ammo cheaters with ridiculously high KDs from China that I reported a couple of days back are banned. Submitted via the Bungie report form, Steam report form, in-game reporting form. Guess what, they are still swinging. Bungie, you really need to respect our time for doing half your work. Can't fathom how many aimbots and wallhackers are in your game now.
Edited by A KOOL POP TART: 4/9/2020 4:36:50 PMIn today's TWAB, we want to let you know that we are reviewing your feedback and listening to your concerns. Our dev team is hard at work to make your experience more enjoyable and rewarding. Here are some montages. See you next week! I've read enough TWAB in my destiny career that I am able to just skim it over and know what's going on, which isn't hard since they don't seem to do anything anyways
The TWaB is a joke and you're a fool to think Bungie will change. I get more nerfs from a TWaB than loot for an entire season. Sorry to give you the truth I was trying to give you hope.
Bungie needs to go back to the DLC model. Just make one solid DLC every 4-6 months. No more BS seasons with minimal reskinned content. If we don't get a serious look into Y4 ahead of time, many people who got the digital deluxe edition of Shadowkeep won't keep playing.
Their TWAB has become a politician speaking. They never answer really directly. They give vague answers with no specific timelines. Let's face it. Anyone that believes there is more than a few dozen folks working on D2 is delusional. This game keeps getting more and more broke with more and more issues. It's like the whole architecture is breaking down. We've got to face the fact that they're most likely much more focused on the next big game they have in development. That's where the vast majority of their employees are working on and that's where the best talent is. The fact that trials was released in the sh#t show state it is after a two year hiatus should show without a shadow of a doubt that there's really not much focus on this game other than for funding their next project. Its being used, as are we, for cash cows through their cash shop, Eververse. They're milking us for every penny, giving us absolute trash and funneling it into whatever the heck piece of crap they're going to over-hype and under-deliver on again. We get to listen to the little propaganda ministers trot out to keep the sheep from wandering off, probably knowing how much they're actually deceiving the player base at times. To bad they are better at marketing and hyping than actually delivering a quality experience, or hell, even a coherent story these days. But, "They're listening." That has become the biggest joke line in Destiny, even they ridiculed it in their last TWAB. They hitched their wagon long ago to the streamers and youtubers in some sort of disgusting incestuous type of relationship in order to keep their game alive and this is what we end up with. Looks like even the youtubers are getting absolutely sick and tired of the lies, empty promises and utter ineptitude. It's just sad.
Everyone likes to shit on stuff that doesn't goes the way they want. Yes it sucks things get nerfed or broken beyond use, if you dont like it stop playing the game and move on. If you're not there behind scenes doing what devs do on a daily basis, -blam!- off.
Lol, hasn't happened in over a year, good luck.
Well there you have it....Nope.
Haha devoted community ....uh not on this forum ! Mostly people who have to play D2 but then crap all over the game .
They can't. Do you think cozmo or DMG LIKE typing up disappointing TWAB's every week? All it does is get them more negative backlash, even though what they are reporting isn't really their choice. Don't get me wrong, I'm not ass-kissing those two. Just saying... There's nothing to report, so pleading for it is just setting yourself up for failure.
Everyone is in quarantine right now...... you're dreaming. Wake up papa.
It would be nice if Bungie was telling us that they would improve the rewards in Grandmaster ordeal and raid, and not just Trials.
The box says no.