Hello Bungie, i have a problem, a very simple one :| someone has hacked my bungie account or something and somehow linked a steam to my destiny giving me no access to the game i have read that you do not force unlink but really you just made it super easy to steal i can confirm my identity through my battle.net which is where i bought the game please i have tried everything on steam but they say it's your business and you say it's the player's... Show me a way pls!
Ok Steam just officially told me that bungie is supposed to help me. And honestly I get it, it's not their game and also they didn't make the bungie account linking process. What I don't understand is why bungie doesn't unlink that stupid account cause I have every possible proof that the account belongs to me. For the sake of god just f***ing imagine I made a steam account and I lost the credentials does that mean me the owner the buyer cannot access the game any f***ing more?!!!!!?????