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originally posted in: Account hacked
2/22/2020 4:14:26 AM
Imagine someone temporarily gets access to your bungie trough i don't know what... Now he links his ps4 or xbox account to your you have no access to it anymore... You are doomed to forever stay and play on steam if you choose to change platforms you just have to buy it again and go through it all over again without what you have worked hard to achieve... Is this right? Is this ok? Is it your fault? All linking should be thought multiple verifications not just, ok you wanna link give us your username and password... Done, now go play. The idea of safety exists for a reason. One would think when they pay 100$ for a game it's safe to assume i can leave it alone for a couple of months and come back to play it no matter what happens to it... Yes i bought the complete edition on it was a gift from a friend of mine we both decided to play again but my account is gone soooo cool.

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  • The best part someone who hasn't payed for the game gets to play it for free until they are boarded and don't wanna play anymore... And me i fan will never buy it again because the account systems are bad... Very bad.

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  • Edited by toneDef Weary: 2/22/2020 4:25:35 AM
    Your problem is with Steam, as it was your Steam account that was hacked, based on your other comments. You need to work with Steam to lock down and restore your account. Bungie cannot help you, as they don't have any access to any of your platform credentials.

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