I'm not 100% sure what happened here or why the OP thought it best to retag to #OffTopic, but I will now lock this thread since it seems as though the OP no longer wants to discuss this Destiny 2 topic.
That's the point. The timer FORCES you to team up. It seems the devs see someone soloing their content as some sort of failure or insult to them.
Timers just show that elitism is alive and well in video games.
Move to OffTopic
Make friends
Well, the timer also prevents the difficult challenges in the game from being cheesed. Use LFG. Be social. Problem solved. LFG is filled with players at the moment. Don't like the people you met up with? Leave and try again. Not that hard. Not everything in a team based game is going to be accessible to solo players, nor should it be. Some of the best memories people have of this game are then achieving a single, challenging goal with all the people they met along the way, such as their first raid clear, getting a pinnacle weapon or Not Forgotten, or completing these hidden exotic quests. Those are the memories that Bungie wants to create in their world of Destiny. I still remember all those times and the people there. Considering all the options available to players in order to form a group, being solo is their fault. So don't go and complain when you're deliberately going against the grain.
While I agree that timers discourages solo play, this is one of those awesome missions where you go and grab 2 buddies because y’all hyped for new exotics. However it would be cool if they had a firewall version where it gave unlimited time to do it solo.
Only have to read the title to answer your post. IT'S NOT A SOLO GAME ITS A TEAM GAME
How many times have you ran the Whisper mission solo for fun? There lots of videos on how to do it Theres even a solo Rendezvous mission video by Estorickk or however his name is spelled So there you go champ, something you can solo that adds a good amount of challenge and managable as you can see since its confirmed to be "solo-able" Knock yourself out👍
Edited by Necrogen: 5/8/2019 4:06:59 PMAnother trash topic. Get a team, get it done. Shut up. Fng drama queens here man. [i]I'm going to write my dissertation on why bungie is an idiot and people need to validate what I have to say.[/i] Dear solo players, Grow up. Sincerely, Everyone else who plays the game with [i]people.[/i]
You couldn’t do this quest solo in D1, so why should you be able to now?
If you’re social enough to whine on a forum with thousands of people then you’re social enough to play with others for a 20 minute or less mission. Quit being so awkward
I’m just going to copy and paste this for every single complainer I see on here. It’s beyond annoying at this point.... I literally have 8 friends on Xbox. 0 friends that play D2. I’m in a clan with people who haven’t logged in for over 8 months. I completed this quest using lfg in an hour. If someone like me can do it, you could find a team too. Don’t give up, Guardian ❤️
Arebast makes it sooo much fun. It will be the same as wisper, under level its hard, over 690 it will be easy
You answered your own rant. It's not a solo game. Lfg your own team, play with friends and work together to beat it. It's not that hard once you all coordinate that final room.
The original quest forced you to play with 3 fireteam members of a different class for multiple communication steps. Screw off with this garbage and go talk to people and do the dang quest. It as a raid exotic so it originally needed 6 people so go boo hoo somewhere else.
Go to the farm and find another one or two people. Way better than LFG.
You're right! They should make EVERY activity soloable! Nightfall? Make that soloable! As a solo player I can't get nightfall weapons! Outrageous! Comp? Make that soloable! If you're by yourself, nerf the enemy team! Raids! Make every raid mechanic able to be done by one person! As a solo player I don't have any raid weapons! This is unacceptable! Desitny shouldn't have any activity that needs multiple people!
It’s really not that hard to find a team. And it’s not meant to be done solo. It’s to encourage people to team up.
Or, you can get good and learn to solo it.
Playing with other people in a multiplayer game? Inconceivable!
Sure someone will solo it but gg few ever will this place makes whisper look easy
Edited by Shirtless_Captain_Kirk: 5/8/2019 11:28:59 AMNFL screws solo players with Lombardi trophy exotic
Ask some people on here to help you with it on your platform.
Wow. You havent done a raid in the past few weeks. It shows how much of an “elitist” solo player you are. It also shows how lonely you are on this game.
Did you play D1? You say you didn't get Outbreak Prime. You could not get it in D1 without playing on a team. It took 3 people, all with either the weapon or the quest, to complete the required tasks and get the weapon. You could not solo Outbreak Prime in D1. At this point you cannot solo Outbreak Perfected in D2. Once season 7 starts and folks get leveled up to 750, I would expect to see some folks attempt soloing this mission.