Competitive can be solo queue during the week and full party like Trials on weekends.
Or Rumble should be Competitive, BUT I imagine that with Thunderlord coming back Ruble will again be unplayable power ammo hoarding camping nightmare.
This game has amazing reward cycle. Getting the loot is the only thing that is enjoyable. Actually playing this game, especially in PvP provides only one emotion: frustration.
You know you've hit the rock bottom when your game has ultimate attack that can only be countered by jumping off the map.
We now have atrocious balance on top of incompetent matchmaking.
Shotguns are inconsistent mess, in D2 a smart good player had a pretty big arsenal of other abilities at his disposal, smart players would use their shotguns sparingly, because they always had a pretty powerful nade and melee ability, this created a fun dynamic in gunfights.
In D2F the sandbox is actually really bad, don't know if it is worse than Y3, but it is even worse that D2 vanilla in my opinion. Because all my options now is either boring, zero dynamic gunfight, or a random trade with shotgun/Telesto.
Why primary gunfights are boring and have zero dynamic you ask? Because once you or enemy player have hit their first shots they have won the gunfight and other party now has only have one option: to disengage and regen. In Halo dynamic was amazing, because turnarounds could happen at many points in the gunfight, for example:
1. Player 1 hit their first shots, but Player 2 used a powerful one shot grenade, and he had up to 4/6 of those in his arsenal.
2. Player 1 hit their first shots, but Player 2 have transferred the fight to melee range and performed one shot beat down him.
Also, in Halo taking down enemy shields have created another dynamic, both enemy who might have hit his first shots and you were pretty even once the shields are down, one headshot would kill any one of you!
Because of these mechanics gunfights in Halo were dynamic, skillful, fun and fair at the same time.
They never felt boring and they felt much much less frustrating!
Destiny 2 Forsaken is very boring and insanely frustrating game that we are forced to play because reward cycle is great and it forces us to come back.
I like this sandbox. Despite popular belief this isn't supposed to be Halo. Destiny was originally unique because of the infinite access to what other games considered power weapons.
I do like the idea of comp rumble or a small team playlist for comp like 2's or 3's