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Edited by halcyon was here: 10/13/2018 6:04:43 PM

My thoughts on how Way of the Current could be improved

I’ve been using this subclass nonstop since the expansion launched and it’s my absolute favorite, but having been using it so much I do have a few ideas for just a COUPLE things that could make it better First of all, the damage buff that is granted by whirlwind guard is INCREDIBLY short! I would love if it could be a bit longer, even if only just by 1 or 2 seconds. That would make it much easier to use, since by the time you’ve closed the gap the buff usually runs out unless you just kept guarding and walked right into the enemy’s face Which leads me to my next thing... PLEASE GIVE WHIRLWIND GUARD THE SENTINEL SHIELD TREATMENT AND NOT MAKE IT DRAIN SUPER ENERGY! Or, at least make it drain slower. I honestly don’t see the point of making guarding drain so much energy, it makes the ability a lot less fun to use because I can’t use it freely, I have to worry about how much it’s draining. If it could just drain less super energy or better yet drain none at all, I would be having so much more fun, and I don’t think that would be anything absurdly powerful, either. Last thing about the super, I think it could use just a biiiiiiiiiiit of a duration increase. Even though I have no problem with this cause it’s my favorite exotic, I basically have to use raiden Flux to make my super last, especially with how draining whirlwind guard is. A bit of a duration increase would just make the super feel better to use and make other exotics feel more viable. I don’t really mean anything crazy, just a bit more combined with less drainage from whirlwind guard would be plenty! Final thoughts, I guess: I now have a fantasy of an Ursa Furiosa for whirlwind guard. Is that likely? Probably not. But god I would LOVE to be running around with my staff out all the time deflecting everything! And, tempest strike’s targeting has literally gotten me killed before. In the end I know it really isn’t anything to complain about, or even really the ability’s fault, just cause it makes sense to Target the nearest enemy. But it sucks to be sliding at a whole group of enemies bunched together and tempest strike expecting to take them all out in a glorious shower of lightning, just to snap 45 degrees and hit a single thrall that came near you and then get launched into the air so the enemies can shoot you down like a clay pigeon Overall, my favorite subclass in the whole history of destiny 2 and I adore it! However, I feel like these slight improvements would make it feel SO much more powerful and fun! EDIT: come to think of it, Tempest Strike could probably use some more damage in PvP. It is VERY hard to land, so I feel like that difficulty should be rewarded by a bit of a heavier hit!

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