Due to a late-breaking issue that’s been discovered through internal testing, Iron Banner 6v6 is being postponed.
We’ve found that all players in 6v6 matches are returned to Orbit with ANTEATER errors when reaching certain score and timer conditions. We are actively working on a fix for this issue, but will not be able to release this by April 10.
As such, Rumble will be replacing Iron Banner next week as the featured gametype in the Weekly Crucible playlist. As noted in yesterday’s blog update, Rumble will now feature 6-player Free-for-all with additional spawn fixes coming in Hotfix on Tuesday. Iron Banner will return as soon as we can issue a fix. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Jellyback Joe
Foaming at the mouth. - old
Guys. So many people on these forums have been so blatantly, pointlessly hateful recently. Of course you can say whatever you want, and [i]should[/i] say what you feel needs to be said. But just take a step back and think about it first. This is a small thing in a big universe. If you care about it, great. If you want it to change, great. Voice your opinion. But remember that there is so much more than this little corner of the universe. There are other things to be angry at and other ways to fight for what you believe. Hatred towards those on the other side of an argument accomplishes NOTHING. The argument itself MUST be the problem. Not the people you disagree with. We are a speck. The world will keep turning. Think about it.