I did report them, it’s just frustrating as hell man last week got to 6-0 than lagged out pisses me off
There's no way to completely rid the game of it though unfortunately, or any game for that matter. Bans can only happen so fast, and new people start cheating every day. You gotta understand that just cuz you click report for cheating and bad connection, doesn't mean they Insta ban them. They have to review every single report so they don't wrongly ban someone. If they did they would end up banning everyone lol. Therefore, cracking down on banning is low on the list. Just because you got a 6-0 card and got screwed doesn't mean everything else should be on hold to ban cheater, that would never happen. Also, if you didn't record the video and send it to bungie you didn't do every thing in your power to get those kids banned. On another note, I stopped playing d2 a while ago. After thousands of hours invested into d1, I couldn't take all the changes in d2. The main reason is actual gameplay. Movement speed and ttk in d1 played a huge factor in why I love that game. The feeling of being powerful needs to come back. D2 feels sluggish and held back. That needs to change if they wanna revive the game. I haven't lost faith in bungie because they created d1, my favorite Game of all time. BUT, I will not support d2 until they make movement and ttk changes. I would have rather seen d1 year 4 than d2. At first I was pissed, but I understand them trying to evolve the game instead of doing the same shit making it feel less like d1 and more like a new game, but they gotta understand not to fix something that isn't broken