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9/12/2017 9:04:53 AM

Lore/Progression menu tab

I think what Mr Byf is saying here makes sense to many players, if not all. I will try to summarize what he is saying, but you should just go ahead and watch the video. It's really well made. Essentially he is pointing out, that Destiny 2 does not currently have something like an 'archive' in which I could track my progression in the game. Destiny 1 has the gremoire system, which is not perfect, but it works for tracking my progression and to look up what I have achieved so far and what I still can achieve. There was still some third party apps/websites like the Ishtar Collective to lookup whatever I can from the grimoires and some other sites would help me track my progression for, for example, what ghosts on which planet have I found so far and which are still missing. Destiny 2 does not. It would be really great to see something like a lore tab or progression or even an archive in the game itself. Maybe when I press start and further to the left behind the clan tab there would be this lore/progression/archive tab in which I can lookup what I have achieved or haven't and read all the lore I have found so far. Personally, I don't really want a third party website or app to have this kind of functionality when it could theoretically be implemented in the game. Or in the Destiny companion app, either way would be fine with me. I think players would love to see Bungie include something like this and not rely on third party apps/sites for this kind of service. Well, that's it from me. I hope I could somewhat make it clear what Byf was saying. If not, let me know. MrPianoGaming out.

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