My first game ever, I finished in 1st place with 22 kills and 14 crests recovered
My second game also finished in 1st again with 33 kills.
I even went into competitive solo and won 3 out of 4 games. Won and lost in countdown and won twice in survival. I wasn't using my mic and wasn't in team chat
It's only hell if you suck
Someone give this man, [spoiler]most savage of the year award[/spoiler]
This mentality is what brings down a conversation. The "Its only bad if you suck" mentality is toxic and proves nothing. There is an issue this poster is addressing and youre coming in here treating it like its a dick measuring contest.
Are you mad because yours is smaller? I was never a top tier player in the D1 crucible, but I held my own with a positive k/d You almost sound like you're in the same boat as OP. It must suck to suck