Crucible almost forces you to queue up as a team and if you do not, you will most likely go against a 4 man clan, while your team is most likely a team of solo players and beating a GOOD 4 man team with ok communication, is almost impossible. They will mostly likely stay together, which forces the solo players into a 4v1 and 4v2 situations which are almost unwinnable. What makes it worse thats there is no game mode on crucible, that is 6v6 like destiny 1. Adding 6v6 will be really helpful for solo players because, you will not have to deal with a whole clan vs solo players 90% of the time, most of the time your go against groups of twos or groups of threes and your team will most likely not be a team full of solo players as well. Crucible is actually extremely fun if you play as a team, but if you play solo it can feel like hell.
Also why is there no option in these game to choose your game type, I miss being able to just play control and avoid the other game modes.
Agreed, most of the time I get matched with complete idiots and end up having to carry my team unless I get some friends to play with me.