So I decided to post this because I'm really -blam!-ing bored right now. Do you remember ever cell phone or smartphone you've ever owned? I do.
Sanyo PM-8200 - My very first cell phone. Got it my sophomore year on my parents cell plan.
Motorola RAZR - The first cell phone that was all mine. I had my first job, I had my own cell plan, not my parents.
LG EnV2 - My first upgrade. Trade up from my RAZR to this while I was in the Army. Great for texting. Not for much else.
Apple iPhone 3G - My first iPhone. Certainly not my last. Got it after I came home from my deployment.
Apple iPhone 4 - I went through two of these. The first one was stolen. The second one last up until my next phone upgrade. Thank God because at the time I didn't want to pay for an Otterbox. And I dropped it a lot. By the time I did upgrade the second iPhone 4 was falling apart. I finished it off with my friend's shotgun.
Apple iPhone 5 - Probably the iPhone I've ever owned. I guess. Not sure why considering my next upgrade. Which was a major mistake.
Sony Xperia TL - What the -blam!- was I thinking? 1. It was the phone of choice of James Bond in Skyfall. Yes I'm aware that basing a phone to get of of a favorite film franchise is retarded. The phone worked great for the first few months I had it. But Sony releases so many new Xperia models that support the TL was quickly dropped.
Apple iPhone 6 - Yeah at this point it was clear that iPhone had become the CoD of smartphones. But I got it anyways. Only improvement I saw was the headphones.
Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge - Hot damn I loved this phone. Best phone ever! That is until I switched carriers to save on my bill. And I didn't take my phone with me.
Samsung Galaxy J3 Emerge/Apple iPhone 6 - So when I went with Sprint (Yeah yeah, I miss AT&T, but my phone Bill is $80 cheaper now) I decided to just go with their free phones. Compared to the S6 Edge it's ok. Not nearly as fast and the camera is garbage. Sigh... can't wait to get me a Galaxy S7 or even S8 when it comes out... is the S8 out? Idk. As for the iPhone, my new job gave me a work phone. It's an iPhone. After have a Samsung, -blam!- iPhone.
What about y'all?
Edited by GarrisonWhite2: 7/15/2017 12:16:58 AMTwo flip phones, both of them Tracfone starter phones. The only reason I got the second one is because the first one was no longer compatible with their network. The first one was a Motorola. My current phone is an LG.