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5/4/2017 8:35:43 AM

Are Exclusive Games Important For A Platform?

Yes! (Why So?)


No! (Why Not?)


Kinda (Explain?)


In this video I talk about how exclusive games for gaming consoles are very important, but Xbox...[i]([u]Check out the video for the rest of that sentence![/u])[/i][quote]Do you think exclusive games for a platform is important?[/quote]Please, enjoy! (:

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  • Exclusives are essentially the only reason to choose a console over a PC. That or peer pressure

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    • Yes it's good for competition. It also makes the buyer feel like they've made a good choice when they buy and like an exclusive title. However timed exclusivity is -blam!-ing bullshit. Destiny, the Division, even shit eating CoD with it's DLC now, -blam!-ing bullshit.

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    • Yes. Without halo and gears why even own an Xbox? Without God of war, uncharted, infamous, last of us, nioh,and horizon zero dawn why own a ps.

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    • They are one of the main reasons I think of when buying console.

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    • Edited by Vizard: 5/6/2017 4:38:25 AM
      You think nintendo consoles would even sell if there weren't exclusives? Granted they only release something good every 10 years so you gotta have that in mind....

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    • Yes. I bought my PS4 for the exclusive shit for Destiny. It's now my go to console over XB1. And Nintendo's exclusives are the only thing keeping their consoles relevant right now.

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    • Edited by kerrick2: 5/5/2017 1:24:28 PM
      If Mario and Zelda games were multi platform would people bother to buy a Nintendo system

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      • Exclusive games are definitely important, if certain games weren't exclusive then there wouldn't be a reason to own more than one current gen console. If there were no exclusive games then the companies behind the consoles would then need to give much more incentive to buy their console but currently all of them are practically the same feature wise. People would simply buy the console their friends were getting or the console that has the better UI that suits them. I currently own the PS4 and XB1 but I have literally like 3 games for the XB1 due to the fact that they are exclusive titles (Halo, Rare Replay and Gears of War). If they weren't exclusive I wouldn't have even bought and XB. Same for the Nintendo consoles, while the Switch has the feature to take it anywhere in the world and continue to play as normal, it's unfortunately the only feature that is different than the other consoles. They all cost money to play online and they all give away free games every month, so really why bother buying the system other than to play the new Zelda game or the next Halo? Exclusives are currently what drive the sales of the console in my opinion

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      • I see no importance because I don't care for any of PS4s exclusives and I only really like gears of war on Xbox. Its all about friends for me. Consoles are kind of equal

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      • I see them as nothing but a little bonus

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      • Competition is good.

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      • Yea. Makes competition for the consoles and also pushes developers to make their exclusives better so people feel pulled to their console.

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      • Not if you have all consoles and a pc

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      • Business need competition otherwise the consumer is screwed over. Imagine just how much any system would cost if it were the only one on the market. The exclusive titles are there to pad the competition. You may not buy all the exclusive titles or even any of them, but they help influence your decision.

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      • It doesn't do anything for the gamer than hurt them. There are 0 benefits we get from exclusives. The only people who benefit are the system developers.

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        • Well aside from you trying to get me to watch a video for probably over a year now. I'm not sure how I feel about it. Not every PS gamer plays every single PS exclusives. I know my roommate doesn't even play most of them, and if he does he doesn't finish them. Using myself as a counter to that though is the fact that I mainly stick with Xbox because I'm a fan of Gears, Forza, Halo, Fable (baby come back), and Crackdown. Specifically Gears alone is enough to keep me on Xbox because it's what I consider to be a complete package for a game. At the end of the day even when I still had my PS4 I was mostly using it to play multiplatform games and a few JRPGs.

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        • I think so. But it would be cool to have Nintendo games on the Xbox. Then I could play all the fun online games like Mario Kart and Smash with a good party and mic system. Seriously.. Nintendo lacks a lot in that area.

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        • Bump, anyone? (:

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