If they do, they should make it upgradable and have you be able to choose your parts...
Oh wait that's a PC
Edited by Psychic Donuts: 5/2/2017 4:45:29 PMOk making a modular console is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. One of the reasons a console is more efficient than a PC is because it isn't modular.
Erm... what?
Yeah. Each component of a console is made to work with just the other parts in that console so it makes the talking, if you will, between them [i]really [/i]fast. They can compute faster and get more out of less hardware. Look at the Scorpio's specs and how it runs if you want an example.
Donuts... please... I expected more from you...
Edited by Psychic Donuts: 5/3/2017 3:37:20 AMWhat about what I said was wrong? Consoles are super efficient machines. Don't let your fanboy shit internet persona get in the way of facts.
Cost and time efficient
No I was talking about preformance. [quote]Each component of a console is made to work with just the other parts in that console so it makes the talking, if you will, between them really fast.[/quote]This is what I told the other guy so it's what I would tell you too.
I mean, my points also kind of stand. A big draw for console users is that they don't have to buy each part of the console separately.
Modularity is not a bad thing. In the console market it is a terrible idea but not in the PC market. Accesibility and effeciency would be destoryed for something that doesn't fit the industry at all.
Yeah that's what I'm saying