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2/24/2017 3:36:20 PM

Sight Unseen

Bus ride home? Thirty minutes to make a short story? Game on. ----- They would never understand the mind of a warlock. The hunters, they were more interested in mindless killing, and the titans were in love with their beloved walls. But the warlocks, his kind, they studied the deepest mysteries of the Traveler. Under veil of night, they proceeded across the Cosmodrome, rifle ready. They were not here to fight, they were here to understand. The Hive was strong here, and they would search below. They would bring the blinding light of dying stars, the fury of untamed stars, the deepest truths of the universe. Something made them nervous. It didn't feel natural to be so far below, surrounded by this sickly green light. His ghost seemed agitated as well, but they went further down. It was then they found the pools. Deep, dark pits of some milky white liquid. They saw movement within - worms, bodies, something more sinister than either. They began to fire, but it made no different. The giant, clawed hand broke the surface, ignoring the bullets bouncing off the carapace, and grabbed them tight around their chest, squeezing. They saw the three green eyes of the abomination, and with a terrible scream felt everything to black as they were pulled into the pool, leaving not even his ghost.

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