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Edited by Azidamadjida: 1/14/2017 1:38:32 AM

VOLITION LOGS 02: The Crystal Orchid, Episode 1

If you missed the last episode, you can find it [url=]here[/url], or if you need to find a previous episode, you can find them all in the [url=]Master Post[/url]. Please give a bump, upvote, or leave comment if you enjoy this and any other chapter! *** The Crystal Orchid has resided in Hedon House ever since there were Awoken in the Reef. It’s said that the piece was an old family heirloom, passed down from parent to child going back to before the Traveler arrived, and that it was onboard the last of the Golden Age ships that fled the Collapse. No one knows how it survived the destruction and chaos that met the fleeing ships, but as the survivors slowly rebuilt their lives and colonized the Reef, the Crystal Orchid reappeared, astoundingly unbroken, in the possession of Seren Cay, who made it the crowning piece of her Golden Age collection as a link to the past and a symbol of the resilience of the Awoken. I’ve seen the piece only once myself – an impossibly delicate and intricate piece of lost art, the unique craftsmanship creating extremely fine stems and complex bubbles that make the petals of the crystal flower appear alive when it catches the light. To see it in person conjures the thought of the unsuspecting fragility of the past, then amazement at its surprising fortitude, and finally an understanding of why it’s become the symbol it has. At least before it was stolen last night. Three loud knocks rouse me from my sleep cycle. I rise quickly, rushing to the door as I hear Ia grumpily turning over in her own bed, stuffing her pillow over her ears. Checking the peephole, I see Shoko, Seren’s chief Maiva, waiting patiently outside, alone. I unbolt the door and open it, seeing her somber face greeting me. “What’s up?” I ask, knowing it must be something important this early in the morning. Shoko leans close to whisper in my ear, “The Crystal Orchid’s been stolen.” I look at her in shock, a thousand questions racing through my processors – [i]Who? Why? When?[/i] – “How?” I settle on. “We don’t know,” Shoko explains. “It was registered in the nightly inspection, but this morning when the guards changed, they said….” She trails off, bowing her head sadly. For many Awoken, the Crystal Orchid is more than just a piece of art – it’s a manifestation of their spirit, of the resiliency of the Reef. Now that it’s gone… “Who else knows?” I ask Shoko. “Just Lady Cay’s inner circle,” she answers. “We wanted to keep the disappearance contained until we can find it.” Behind me, Ia tosses under her sheets, agitated, but I block her out. “And you’re coming to me to find it.” “Of course, Sarif. There was one report late last night that we received,” Shoko continues. “One of the Impulse Division’s guests was openly bragging about it being in his possession. Granted, he was likely intoxicated, but – “ “Better to be safe than sorry,” I finish. Ia can’t take it anymore – she bolts upright in bed, glaring daggers at us and throwing her pillow. “If I can’t get my sleep, I can’t fly my ship, and if I can’t fly my ship, I get REALLY GODS DAMNED CRANKY!!!” Shoko looks taken aback as I catch Ia’s pillow, but that’s just because she’s not used to the little punk yet. I fling the pillow back to her ruefully. “Then go sleep on your ship, this is important.” Ia grouchily catch the pillow and gets up, taking her blanket and pushing past Shoko, muttering darkly under her breath. Shoko turns slowly from Ia back to me. “Don’t worry about her, she’ll get over it,” I explain, knowing that by the next time I see Ia she’ll find some way to screw with me for interrupting her beauty sleep. Shoko brushes the encounter aside and continues. “We liaised with the Verge this morning and were able to glean some information about our suspect.” “I’m amazed the Verge were even conscious,” I mutter. Shoko, though, brushes it off as she hands me her tablet, showing the intel from the Impulse Division. “This is it?” I asked incredulously. “There’s not even a name here, just – “ “Master Rafe has additional information, he just didn’t feel it was….prudent to divulge such sensitive intel electronically.” I snort derisively. “Yes, ‘Master Rafe’ is the model of prudence, isn’t he? So what, he won’t spill it except in person?” “From what I’ve gathered, yes,” Shoko responds, bowing her head slightly. “And he won’t send a messenger with the intel?” Shoko shakes her head as I nod, running the details back through my head – [i]the Crystal Orchid’s been stolen. Intel suggests the thief is still in the Impulse Division, sleeping off his celebration. Rafe’s got more intel, maybe even a name and location, but won’t divulge to anyone not there in person…[/i] I sigh, already seeing the usual setup for one of Rafe’s little games. “Typical,” I wearily mumble. “All right, let me get my stuff and I’ll head down – “ “Lady Cay requests also –” Shoko begins, and with a sinking feeling I already know what she’s going to say. “No,” I quickly refuse. “No, no, no, no, no.” “Lady Cay wishes – “ “Look, I’m more than willing to do as Seren asks, but just not with him.” “Lady Cay insists he accompany you.” “One moment,” I tell her pointedly, walking to the cool stone wall of my room and slamming my faceplate against it, hard. Shoko merely watches curiously as I return to her, pointing to the small dent on my forehead. “This is what one minute with him feels like.” Shoko smiles at me and chuckles slightly. “Not that I don’t agree with you, Sarif, but these are Lady Cay’s explicit orders. You must take Kenedi with you.” I groan audibly, rubbing at the dent in my forehead. [i]Gonna have to get this buffed out later[/i], I think ruefully, already cursing Kenedi for this, too. “Why does she even care?” I ask Shoko sourly. “I mean, you’ve been around him – what value can she possibly think he brings?” “Apologies, Sarif, but I didn’t come here to share in your sense of misfortune,” Shoko replies cooly, the slightest hint of agitation in her voice. “I just came to deliver Lady Cay’s instructions.” “I know,” I sigh. “Thanks, Shoko, I’ll…I’ll be by to pick him up in a bit then.” Shoko nods and turns to leave as I shut the door. Crossing back to my bed, I reach beneath my own pillow and remove the hand cannon I keep stashed beneath. Checking to make sure it’s loaded, I tuck it into its holster and strap the belt on, thinking the whole time that with Kenedi tagging along, this is already shaping up to be a very long day.

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