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10/16/2016 6:28:47 AM

Trials of Osiris RANKING!

Introduce Ranking


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Alright, I have absolutely had it! Flawless is just out right impossible! I haven't been flawless since year 2 and I used to go flawless every single weekend in year 1. I am a flipping good pvp player in my opinion and I play with friends who are really good too (say what you want but we have skill) but we just can not go flawless! IMO we need a ranking system asap! Look at a game like cs:go... It has been out for year and is still one of the most played games of all time and is still being playing a whole lot today! And you know why that is... because they have ranked games, you don't go in and get ranked with someone who is in the top 100 of pvp and you're in the top 100,000.... everyone should receive a rank and there should be lots to improve accuracy and either you can matchmake so you only get a team of people ranked the same as you or you can only start a game if you have a fireteam of people of people who are all the same rank. It might make finding teams a lot longer but that's a small sacrifice to make for a more fair and enjoyable time! I might just be an angered kid but I think this is a serious problem and it needs to be addressed so people who are flipping good at pvp don't constantly get matched with no life beyond players who would rather go flawless than see a naked girl! Please Bungie hear my cry, fix your pvp!

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