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Edited by Starman Eclipse: 8/10/2016 6:16:04 AM

Loot System and Clan System Fixes (long)

Because nobody asked for it and nobody would read it, here's my list of changes to fix Destiny (at least in my eyes) regarding loot drops/RNG and the Clan/Group System. I'm not claiming to have invented any of this, but just take them from games that I feel do loot and social gaming better. I'll start off by saying I believe that all players should be able to get the god roll legendaries that they want. Even if it takes time, there should be a clear path towards getting them. What needs to change is that the perks needs to be balanced so that they are all equally good, or at least pretty close, so that people want to use more perks and combos. Gear I would split gear acquisition into two different categories. Crafting and RNG. Crafting: Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Legendary gear could be crafted. I'll talk about the system for crafting Legendary gear, as that's what everybody is interested in. You have to unlock crafting plans by beating end game content. When you beat end game content (raids or reaching the lighthouse) you find a vendor who sells the weapon frame blueprints. You would basically craft a blank, common weapon frame using large amounts of glimmer, weapon parts, and planetary materials, based on what you're crafting (either weapon manufacturer or just what the skin/perk tree looks like). Maybe even include new crafting materials that drop from each raid (or just repurpose the shards and energy). Leveling up the weapon would follow the necrochasm model. Examples would be upgrading by getting 100 kills with it in the crucible, killing a raid boss with it (you get the final blow), feeding it materials in a manner similar to how to donate materials to factions, or creating a new material needed to upgrade weapons. Think those materials you had to get 10 of to craft the sword, but found through dismantling legendary items. Once you get to the legendary stage, all of the perks are empty and you have to add them. You can get perks either from crafting them from the same system as above, or through removing them from a gun you get through RNG (more about that in a bit). Once the gear has all of the perks full, you have the option to name the gear whatever you like and lock it down so perks can't be changed. The way I look at it, these should take lots of time and work to create, but you'll want them forever. RNG Items randomly drop still as normal, but you can replace perks with any spare perks you have available that fits in that slot. Perks in slots would work the same way they currently do: perks can only be in certain slots, not whichever one you want. If you get a legendary you like the perk on, you can remove the perk from the gear. Doing so destroys the weapon/armor, but you now have that perk to put into another gun of the same rarity type and gear type (perks removed from scouts have to go to scouts, and chest plate has to go to chest plate). I think this is a benefit because getting a shitty rolled gun can still be a good thing if you can either replace the perks and remove a perk you like from it. New Rarity Type Finally, I would like to add a new gear rarity: unique. Unique items would be items that can only roll a single way. An example would be Raid items pre King's Fall. Perks could not be added or removed from such gear. Clan System The biggest problem with how the clan system currently works is that it's not social enough. There will be a bunch of changes I want to add here. They mostly revolve around adding a new clan reputation system. There's two different clan reputation systems I'm talking about here: your personal rank in your clan similar to how the repuation for factions currently work and the rank of your clan. Personal Clan System Completing content will rank up your reputation for your clan in the same way it does for other reputations. Except everything you do will rank up your reputation for your clan, including raids. The more people in your clan who are in your party, the higher the boost you'll get when completing activities, making you rank up faster. Rank ups basically give you the same thing ranking up any current reputation rank up gives you, but also a consumable that when used gives points to rank up the second ranking system, which is your clan's rank. Rank of your Clan Your clan gets points for people using the consumable mentioned above as well as various other activities. One of which is that you can donate legendary and/or exotic gear to yoru clan's junk pile. The gear would instantly be destroyed, but rank up your clan. This can be expanded upon at a later date. While your clan is constantly getting clan points, it also keeps spending them every week or so to keep up buffs for your clan. Buffs include: -Increased glimmer from kills. -Higher % of drops. -Access to a clan vendor. -Access to a clan vault. -Designing your own exotic class item. -A clan social space. Clan Vendor Same as other facions, you can have a clan vendor. The vendor changes weekly based on what the clan wants it to sell. One of each armor type and six weapons. Gear that can be sold here have to be legendary gear that a clan member has crafted and named themselves, owning the original. Members, once reaching a certain rank (possibly 3 to keep with the other vendors), can buy this gear themselves using legendary marks, dropping as a green unique weapons and armor. They would be green so people can't perk farm off of it and so you can see who created the original. Like any other vendor, you can also donate stuff to them to rank them up. This is also who you would go to in order to donate junk items to, as mentioned above. This makes the gear system more social, as you can be using gear crafted and named by other clan members. Finally, there would be a leaderboard of who has the highest clan rank and who donated the most points to your clan. Clan Vault I feel like this will be what I probably get the most backlash for, since people seem so against trading in this game, but a social game needs some form of trading. I think it fits in best with the clan system. In order to offset people spending money to get gear, there's a few precautions. You would have to be a part of the clan for a certain length of time to have access to it (for example, two weeks). You would have to have a high enough clan rank (for example, rank 10). Exotic gear cannot be added. Any gear that has been used is now "lightbound" and can only be used on your account, making it so you can't put it in the vault. Other than these stipulations, anybody can add or remove items as long as the clan vault isn't full. Crucible Kill Screen Finally, change the crucible kill screen so that the name of the weapon that kills you should be the rarity color of the gun. Not a big deal by any means, but it might help with confusing names from the crafting system. Raid Social Area Each raid should have its own social space. It can be super small, and even be reused places from patrol. Just somewhere for people to go in game if they're looking to group up for the raid. Give it a vault, somebody you can buy ammo synthesis' from, and maybe a cryptarch and/or postmaster. I think the implementation of these ideas would lead to a more social, rewarding, in depth game. Obviously it's pretty substancial changes, so it would be more for Destiny 2 than the current one.

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