Nothing to be sad about. You're the next/current wave of our future. We need you.
[quote]Nothing to be sad about. You're the next/current wave of our future. We need you.[/quote] Thanks, I hope to one day to have many a years spent here. And Charlemagne, do you know if in 5 years when I hit seven (I'm almost at 2) will I be able to get the 7 years on the forum emblem (assuming destiny is still around? Or was that only for people who already had that many years.
Do you mean the in-game legacy emblem? If so, those are no longer given out and were only for pre-Destiny.
Aw, I was really hoping that in a few years I would be able to get them. Well maybe for the next Bungie game I can be an oldfoman, passing down the traditions of the flood and b.net
Who knows, maybe there will be something new to look forward to.