Halo, destiny, Counter strike, metal gear solid, final fantasy, uncharted
Halo depending on 5, every Shade of yes on destiny, CS manly has one game, I feel MGS5 may be there last game, FF needs a brake for a few years after the 7 remake, uncharted idk.
Counter strike has more than one game 1. Counter strike 2.counter strike source 3. Counter strike global offensive 4. The crappy zombie spinoff And i may have forgotten one
I know it has more then one game, just everyone only plays source and GO
Counter strike has been over for a long time.
[quote]destiny, Counter strike, metal gear solid, final fantasy, uncharted[/quote] I agree 100%
LOL, perfect. Kill Destiny before it gets worse.
Gr8 b8
Cut me with that edge you got there
They aren't making another counter strike...