Let's exclude the obvious Call of Duty, Assassins Creed or any yearly series. I'll start, Halo, Gears of War, and Forza.
Edit: Read below and find the people upset.
Edit 2: Calling me a Playstation fanboy makes you look retarded FYI
Edit 3: It has just hit me a majority of people commenting must have needed a helmet to cross the street when they were younger.
Edit 4: My Gamertag is "Ukimoi", as always stay mad people.
Final Fantasy. Like how the hell do they keep making new ideas for the games. I'm not hating on it but there's like, what, 20 or so of them now (I'm talking about remakes and games which have multiple games per numeral I.e. FfXIII pt. 2 or whatever it's called)