Why do so many people hate on halo? Ok I admit halo 4 was kinda bad, but I personally love halo and the direction it's going. P.s if your a Sony pony hating on halo just bugger off ok?
The same reason you like it, opinions which isn't hard to understand. That the best you got? "Doesn't like Halo, must be on Playstation" please, my GT is the same as my name.
No I'm not saying that at all. I'm just saying if you are on play station and your hating on halo just because it's on Xbox don't. Also I wasn't directly implying you it was just a general statement not directed at anyone in particular
People hate on exclusives all the time, I own both consoles and can name off a list of exclusives from both systems I either think are garbage, overrated, or mediocre.