Sony paid to have destiny exclusives. Plus, this is payback for Microsoft ruining halo.
funny thing is now activision is ruining bungie instead. bungie has become a dirty whore to whomever has the most money
They got away from Microsoft, and they have more money then Activision. The irony of your statement was quite funny.
lol agreed
So you'd take a job that pays you less than another company would?
i guess thats depending on what the job it worth the money
Lol true. 343 sucks dick
The same map is alr in Xbox all they need to do is "activate" the mission. Or are they waiting for Microsoft to pay too??? :/
It's a timed deal. Once comet comes out, Xbox will get the exclusives.
Halo was an exclusive. This is just a timed exclusive for a few weapons. These two games are different in those aspects.
Thats just my opinion because I hate Microsoft.