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Edited by AAAAAA: 1/13/2013 10:38:18 AM

"Console gamers are stupid & are 15" - Big Name Publisher

[title is a paraphrase] tldr a man is trying to pitch a tactical squad military sim to game publishers. None want it because.... [quote]Really, Allen said. "I won't say which publisher, but, yes, literally, 'console gamers are not as smart as PC gamers.' The logic is that, well PC gamers can install drivers and video cards. Console gamers are just 15-year-olds who sit in front of their couch and press a button." Allen had been a game designer at Warner Brothers Interactive Entertainment. That ended in November. He had a second child right around that time.[/quote] Do you agree that console gamers aren't as smart as PC gamers & are 15? Or, do you disagree?

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  • But.... I'm 15 and a PC Gamer. So what am I?

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  • I would love for someone to make a Ghost Recon or Rainbow Six like the old ones... Instead all we get anymore is PERKS, GUITAR SOLO LEVEL UP, MOUNTAIN DEW!

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    4 Replies
    • Edited by Al-B-Querky: 1/13/2013 11:32:24 PM
      ^ I don't see why there's always gotta be a side to things. But more on topic, it's pretty much ridiculing the same PC gamers who ALSO play on consoles for their own reasons. We're essentially playing the same games anyway....

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    • *Sigh* I really wish some people would get over themselves. I'm sure there's a lot more factors as to why someone would rather play on a console than PC, rather than just being stupid or "15".

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    • I think lazier would be a better term. PC gamers have to do more, but that doesn't make them smarter.

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    • pppffhh consoles Right now my Gtx 680 can run any game on the market at max settings in 1080P on 3 screens above or at 60fps I laugh at all the people who are like, lol you will have to by new parts in a few months trololol. No i won't HAVE to. Video games that a high end Gpu can't run don't come out for 3 to 4 years after the gpu is built. the 560 can still run every game on the market at 1080p.

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      1 Reply
      • As a whole console gamers have made games what they are today and that's not a good thing. Everything has been made more casual friendly as a result of the masses consoles pull in. PC gamers no longer have the influence they once had and the majority of which are more "hardcore", now everything is custom tailored to attract every soccer mom of a "gamer".

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        • well, I'm not 15. don't know about the stupid part.

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        • Posted March 14, 2012 You're late, Cay.

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        • Or console gamers are smart enough to know PC gaming will result in expensive upgrades to their PC almost every year and get the just as good performing console instead.

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          8 Replies
          • I'm fairly sure anyone in this day and age with some slight guidance could not only build their own gaming computer, but also *gasp* install some drivers themselves. But then again, the generalisation is probably true to some extent.

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            • oh :( well then...

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            • Sounds just right. Join the brotherhood.

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              • Edited by banj0: 1/13/2013 9:45:17 PM
                I think that Steam alleviates some of that, and this comment is pretty harsh and generalizing, but there is no denying that you need to be at least somewhat computer literate to be a PC gamer (installing drivers is as easy as installing a title update on an xbox imo).

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              • Well not everyone has the money for a decent gaming computer and all the requirements for one. Personally I'd like to start PC gaming but I have no idea where to start or what I should even get or use as a custom build!

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              • Installing drivers is hard? How is this guy even making a game?

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                3 Replies
                • I disagree, because I play games on my computer and I'm [i]clearly[/i] an idiot.

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                • Edited by Myth of Tyrant: 1/13/2013 5:08:58 PM
                  Because massively oversimplifying people and making sweeping, vague and demeaning generalizations is a great way to get people on board for your success and prosperity. Of [i]course [/i]you're only going to blame your failure on people just not being as smart as you and the people who share your preferred lifestyle choices. It has nothing to do with the enormous requirements that go into securing funding for investments costing hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars, but just on the shame and ignorance of people who aren't like you. This shocking lack of understanding and disappointing behavior exhibited by these publishers is one that you, in your infinite wisdom and understanding, would [i]never [/i]exhibit throughout the course of your virtuous and pious existence, ever. Great job, Mr. Allen. I hope this isn't the approach that's simply best suited to your personality, otherwise the vague, sweeping and demeaning generalizations people make about you might be ingrained in a kernel of truth.

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                • I would more imagine that console gamers just don't care enough to build a PC for gaming. I certainly don't. Console games can be displayed in 1080i, and that's good enough for me. I buy a console once, and can just enjoy the games without having to worry about constantly updating my hardware.

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                • I may be stupid but I am [i]not[/i] fifteen!

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                • Weird, I built my first computer when I was fifteen. Anywho, I'd have to agree on the younger age portion, but I doubt that intelligence correlates in anyway to how you play your videogames.

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                • >giving shittaku views Well they are right on something, PC gamers are smarter, just look at those who still think PC gaming is expensive.

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                • It's not that all console gamers are stupid or even that a given console gamer is less intelligent than a given PC gamer, but it is true that the average console gamer is younger than the average PC gamer.

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                • PC gamers tend to be more committed to playing games because of all of the money they have to spend just to get a proper gaming rig. As for smarter, no, but they will tend to be 'smarter' about the game.

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                • For the most part he is correct, and as a result many games *cough* Halo4 *cough* simply become about "lowering the skill gap" to allow younger and stupider people to enjoy their game.

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                • My face when people actually give a shit about this type of thing:

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