Some1 is still commenting on this saddo wow honestly us kids arnt dumb as this 1 kid an we get ebucateed in shocool like we learn mtahs and engis as well as siense about internet safety and things so really this is an act of stupidity so scee yuo l8ter m9s :£
Clearly you didn't learn English
Definately not like i did it on purpose
I don't that English?
Its english but i typed it badly as so it looks like im 5 years old and cant read and write
Haha lol :D
This is like 3 weeks old?
Is it a problem laughing ?
No just wondered how u managed to find a 3 week old post
This is -blam!-ing hilarious.lmao Read, as best you can, what he typed and then realized the irony. Grammatical errors much? This is -blam!-ing classic.
Like a year later sum1 decides to post. Tahkn yuo nayawys sea yuo lat8er m9
Buh by
Bloody hell my eyes hurt. Cant tell if trolling or 5 years old....
In that case well played.
Thank you