Here's a challenge. Set aside your own personal wishes for Destiny, and list the topics you see discussed here most often. Not bugs, mind you. We know Crota drops the sword. At this moment, I'm more curious about the new features people tend to ask for.
[u]List the Top Three Wishes that are shared by most of the Community.[/u]
Now, if you say that all three are bigger vaults, I'll probably assume you're not serious about helping. Give me three different options. You should rank them in importance, of course.
Have fun with it. Off the top of your head...
1.Exotic boots for titans (year 2) 2. The idea i made (seriously its genius) 3. MOAR raids PLZplzPLZplzPLZplz
Necro bump
Edited by TensiveSundew02: 2/28/2015 5:19:46 PM1.Hawkmoon for Xbox 2.more space in the vault 3.buff the golden gun 4.Create a new exotic gun each month
1. Raid Drop adjustments 2. RNG adjustments 3. Weapon adjustments
Edited by D3ADLY V3GAS: 10/29/2015 11:17:02 AM[b][u]3. Sprint Cutoff?:[/u][/b] (this could be a bug, and I'm breaking the rule you set forth) or some clarification on what's actually it a bug or does it have a cool down like shadestep and blink? [b][u]2. Private lobbies for crucible:[/u][/b] I'm sure there's a lot that goes into this, but if you disabled bounty/quest progression in private lobbies and maybe gear drops as well (or just drop straight up materials like WEAPONS PARTS, armor material or planetary mats) [b][u]1. Challenge modes for VoG, Crota and PoE:[/u][/b] I enjoyed the first two raids thoroughly, PoE was alright, however maybe a weekly rotation of challenge modes? One week it's VoG, scaled to light level 280ish? Next week it's Crota, scaled to 280ish, following week is PoE. As far as drops, I'm not asking for Y2 versions of the Y1 raid weapons, but maybe have a chance for y2 exotics to drop from Atheon/Crota/Skolas during that week only. I understand that this is a necro, but I hope this doesn't get trolled too hard. This actually could be beneficial if used properly.
1. Drops should be within +-5 of current light level up to 300. Dropped engrams within end game activities should be +-5 regardless of light level if the activity is finished. 2. Infuse gear at 100% light level of dismantled raid gear to allow people to wear what they want above 300, instead of everyone having to wear the same thing...again. 3. Buff NF drops (see 1 above) so NF is relevant above 300, or bring back exotic drop chance without 3oC. Nerf SABER.
A new class. Better reward drops from the kings fall raid No RNG for exotics
Bro. Deej. Give me the [i]ability[/i] to apply shaders to gear. Individually. If I want my [u]Helmet[/u] to be; Chatterwhite. [u]Chest[/u] God of war [u]Gauntlets[/u] Chatterwhite [u]Legs[/u] God of war CMON THAT'D BE SICK
1. Cosmetics of a guardian are important. Make it so that previous raid gear (Vault and Crota) is just as useful as King's Fall gear. I hate the Hive sets, I don't want to look like some kind of magic beetle soldier. 2. Release all of the exotics. Being dripfed content only lends credence to the idea that there wasn't enough content in TTK to drop it all at once. I don't fall for the illusion of 'more' just because I have to wait for it. 3. Private Crucible matches. Why this hasn't been implemented yet is totally beyond me.
Edited by TheShadow: 10/29/2015 4:20:01 AMDo any of you realized the date on here? Asking for fals hope will never get you anywhere. Think im wrong. Look at Deej wish list that has been on this forum for a year. And the devs did one thing after Bungievision lying to us and blaming 363 for the reason why in year one we couldn't get vault space. Funy thing is, ttk comes out and presto! We pulled it out of thin air. The wish list has been up almost a year. Can anyone tell me what was implanted in this game from the so-call with list? Anyone??? Oh, thats right. We hear what you are saying. Do you want to know the truth about that last statement. Hearing somone is one thing, but to ((((((ACTUALLY )))))) leasten to somone is where anyone in life will actually benefit from it.
1. Merging Patrol Lobbies. Make it so that when there is a public event or court of oryx (basically a public event) that players will more likely merge into that zone. 2. Dismantling Raid Gear or any 310 Exotic gives the chance of dropping an item that will increase the defense/attack to 330, maybe a challenging quest for the hardmode raid to do this? 3. Give players a reason to use a weapon in crucible other than Pulse Rifles or Shotguns. Return all weapons (besides thorn) to their former glory or give it a little boost. Pulse Rifles would stay the same, but Auto Rifles, Hand Cannons, and Scout Rifles would get a well needed buff.
1 make VoG and CE higher level 2 release all the exotics 3 arcblade good in pve
1. Higher light drops when you're above 310 (at least for exotics) maybe doesn't have to be guaranteed above 310 but it should be an option to be 310-330 (and continuing on into higher light levels) 2. More exotics (especially armor) (including boots for warlocks) 3. Fix run lock
More respect for our time invested. More rewards for loyal fans. A refund.
1. Add more weapon parts. For me it's broken. 2. Boost faction rep gains. 3. I see lots of post on Eververse trading, some think it's leading to pay to win? I happen to like it but wish you had more things in the inventory.
1. Implement a way to spend materials (wormspore, spin metal...) whether it's exchanging for weapon parts or motes of light or faction rep. With the new ghosts I'm sure almost everyone has stacks upon stacks and same with the sword quests, Everyone probably got at least 200+ of whatever material they had to farm. It's coming to the point where I'm just discarding stacks of materials . 2. Add a new tier for VoG and CE, having the option to do all 3 raids in the week would dramatically increase the amount of activities to do within the game. Sure you can do them still for nostalgia purposes or the occasional no time to explain quest but other than that they are completely useless. The gear should be upgraded too, maybe not the exotics since it seems like you're planning on leaving most of the year one stuff behind but the legendary gear shouldn't be an issue to make drop at the newer levels, 3. Add an in game LFG, I know it's been said time and time again, not having matchmaking for specific events is okay but to have to go through a third party to find groups is a bit absurd. I can understand a implement like that could take time and be quite a process to build but it's something the development team should definitely consider on. Especially since it seems to be one of the most highest demanding subjects
Edited by bigfatbuns: 10/28/2015 4:20:09 PM1. Release the rest of the exotic armor, both the new stuff and remaining Y1 items. The fact they are time gated is so annoying and really makes me want to take a break for other games. 2. A lot of people reporting decrypting exotic engrams, getting duplicates. This should be looked in to and tested. Its not fair to give someone a titan crest of alpha lupi 9 times in a row. 3. Character customization, even though this is purely a nice to have, it would be fun to be able to change this on the fly, or maybe even a consumable from Xur. 4. Handcannons in PvE are lame now. I love hand cannons but can't use them anymore because they can't hit anything. PvP they are fine, sad knowing what they used to be, but fine now. 5. HM drops are relentless. It would be nice if there was some guaranteed path to max light instead of relying on RnG... Like maybe challenge mode could guarantee a 320 drop. 6. If trashing a weapon gives 1 weapon part, infusion should only cost 1-2 weapon parts. No idea why you guys touched this. You basically implemented reforging and everyone wasted all of their weapon parts rerolling weapons, these weapons are now useless, and you made it nearly impossible to get weapon parts. #6 stings the most. Rerolling a shotgun 100 times for a perfect roll. Shotgun not only cannot be used in competitive pvp anymore, but you removed a signature perk... Which didn't even fix the problem with: 7. Shotguns. Reduce effective range 20%. Increase PvE damage 20%. Edit: Solar titan healing perk should be in the same tree as the perk that gives more hammers. Striker needs rebalancing as well since you took away armamantium the class is useless in PvP Thats all I got. I see people touch on these 7 in one way or another daily on the forums.
Social Features, where are they? -In-Game LFG -Optional Matchmaking -Fix Itemization -Why is the grimoire lore on my phone and not in-game? -Get rid of mouldering shards--an absolute kick in the teeth to people who raid. No one wants an "almost" prize. They want loot, which they can at least break into marks and weapon parts, if they want. Cardinal rule of games: do not do anything to remove your audience from the experience. That includes cellphone LFG forum browsing and info-dumps. Worst ideas ever, and there's a reason why no other game does any of those things. I'm honestly not convinced that the developers know enough about how to make massively multiplayer games to implement any of the above.
1: make VOG and CE playable again, and have the gear and rewards drop at a 280 and let us infuse them upward. Honestly, this new gear looks like a$$. 2: keep up on the times events (like the festival of the lost) love it, but at the same time, can we get a better reward for doing the quests? Like letting us infuse the the masks to raise them up? Don't need special perks, just let us raise them so our light don't suffer. 3: it's a long shot, but how about letting us carry 1 legendary raid weapon from year 1 into year 2. No exotic, just raid. I'd love to be able to bring fatebringer, or the vision up to a 300 plus. 4: anyway we could get some holiday sharers with the times events? That would be awesome as well.
1. Try to make the exotic engrams not turn into something we already have 2. Weapon rebalance some weapons are a lot better and we get wasted because we dont have that weapon YET 3. Make a christmas parade or festival said that thank you for reading this! Ps tell Cosmo I said hi
1) organize vault 2) alphabetized friends list 3) worm spore for leveling factions
1 a way to change your characters appearance 2 make vog and ce useful 3 nerf solar hammer
1. Make the CE and VOG raids useful. Add a higher difficulty and make year 2 versions of the raid weapons and armor. 2. Change Black Spindle White nail to the way it was before so it can be truly an exotic (make it more difficult to get if you do this.) 3. Add a way to exchange materials and consumables (not armor or weapons) with other players. I think many players who stopped playing Destiny when TTK came out may come back.