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Edited by Charlemagne: 11/9/2015 12:55:44 AM

Got Trolled by AztecStrikerS13 and KirmitTHEFrog - lost all my characters and exotics

A known troller deleted my characters – is there any way to get them back? I caught it on video, watch starting at 13:28 and you can watch him delete my characters. I have blocked him and his friend, PLEASE help me,the characters he deleted were at level 31 with exotics, it took me 2 months to get to this level and I don't think it's fair that I have to start over!

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  • If you look in the video i had nothing to do with cuck getting deleted I left the party to go eat and then kermit joined. I got back and started playing crucible then kermit invited me to his party and i joined. the about 1 min later cuck joined. And then i found out what happened. i even helped carry cuck through raids with my clan The pwndock im tired of being blamed for something that kermit did while i was gone.

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    47 Replies
    • I reported kirmit to Psn for bullying. Anyone can do the same. He is not welcome on Psn or destiny as far as I am concerned.

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      • Sorry to see that you got caught up with some jerks man but if you need some help getting your characters lvl back up or possibly maxed out by the time the new dlc drops add me my clan and I would be more than happy to help gamer tag is BooBoNiCPLaGuE. I enjoy helping others in the destiny world

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      • Congrats on getting to level 31 and all that crota gear dude you deserve it

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      • Kermit should be banned. Harassment/trolling is clearly outlined in the ToS. Sony could ban him on the grounds he was being a dick to other players, as well.

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      • I have seen the video, what the guy did was not right, and it trading was enabled I would give you a whole bunch of gear or whatever. I hope they learn their lesson and get banned

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      • you and the frog need your accounts banned. honestly i dont feel sorry for you at all. You need to level up your characters like everyone else. i dont think what the frog did was right but you kinda deserve it.

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      • Why aren't you staying the fact that you were trying to glitch the game when you share played with a random guy you befriend online? Also, in order to play the game you need to accept the terms and conditions which you were suppose to read before accepting it. This is your fault and you don't deserve sympathy. To refresh your memory please read this link:

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        15 Replies
        • A lot of mixed feelings regarding this issue. Cheating is wrong, we learn this at a young age. Maybe we have yet to experience this in the full like this kid did but he knows cheating is wrong. Still, he is young and hopefully this was a valuable lesson to learn. Nevertheless, what happened to him was insanely cruel! Who ever that was who did this knew exactly what he wanted to do and most certainly has done it to others. The kid was just streaming gameplay with no intentions of cheating until he was clearly talked in to it. As silly as this may sound that kid may have been scared for life and now have trust issues. Laugh all you want but Im serious. I think Bungie should dig really deep into this as well as Sony for this guy bringing a negative aspect to the sharing capabilities Sony was so pleased to create for their system. I personally will never use that feature now ever even with close friends or family after seeing what has happened to this poor kid.

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        • Edited by ❤ Jinx ❤: 2/21/2015 9:23:12 PM
          I feel bad for this kid the same happened to me but my Microsoft account got hacked into in 2008 and I could never get it back, its sad that people do this.

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        • If he was a known troller, than what the -BLAM!- DID YOU LET HIM USE SHAREPLAY?

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          • Edited by FlynJeep oIIIIo: 2/20/2015 8:11:29 PM
            I can't believe this guy hasn't been banned yet!!! This still has me so worked up. Why has Bungie NOT taken action against this guy??? I just don't understand!!! He has without a doubt blatantly violated the code of conduct. What's worse is that he's been reported for doing this in the past. Here's a link to the real KirmitTHEfrog's profile: (recent games played only minutes ago) [url][/url] Here's is destinytracker stats: [url][/url] @ CuckooknightHD - I'm sorry this happened to you and I hope Bungie helps you out with some replacement gear in the Postmaster. I know you've already learned a valuable lesson that will hopefully keep you safe from far worse things that can happen when you trust people online. I've used your incident as an example to help drive home this lesson to my two boys that are also your same age. Edit: fixed a typo

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            10 Replies
            • We don't need folks like that in the destiny community. I'm glad Bungie has acknowledged this and i hope that KirmitTHEfrog experiences the same grief soon when Bungie bans his account. He has two level 32s and a level 31 so he's clearly put plenty of hours into this game. He should know better.

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              • Hi cuckooknightHD, I saw the video and I feel so bad for you I know that you might of tried or didn't try to cheat if you didn't and kirmit trolled you then that's really immature of kirmit for being an adult and a role model to a kid and the. Ends up trolling you wow that's bad. If you were cheating that's still bad for kirmit he gave the idea of cheating if I'm correct and also he's a role model to kids so why does he do this. I would love to help you but I am on Xbox but I can tell you all I know about the game by the private messaging in and I can help as much as I can. Thanks for your time and I hope I can support you and I hope you het your stuff back and don't let this get you down you got. Tritan army and loads of guardians supporting you.

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              • I saw your video and couldn't believe it when I saw it. I hope bungie dose something. I'll play with you help you level up your character all the way. Gamer tag: Linthis

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              • I kinda do, I mean you did try to cheat and you also gave your account to a stranger. You lose start again

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              • These people cheering and rooting as this kid has his stuff deleted make me physically ill.

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                3 Replies
                • [quote]A known troller deleted my characters – is there any way to get them back? I caught it on video, watch starting at 13:28 and you can watch him delete my characters. I have blocked him and his friend, PLEASE help me,the characters he deleted were at level 31 with exotics, it took me 2 months to get to this level and I don't think it's fair that I have to start over![/quote]

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                  • It's more than fair that you have to start over. You should get a ban eventually, considering you have now admitted to falsifying your info. In order to play games rated T online or too twitch you need to 13 or older. It's in the psn terms of service. It also states that falsifying your information in regards to age is worthy of a lifetime ban. You admitted you were 11, yet how are you able to do all these things? I can't wait till you get banned.

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                    2 Replies
                    • Edited by B1G J0HN 13: 2/21/2015 6:17:00 PM
                      Dude so sorry this happened to you. The guy was a huge jerk. Trust no one! Don't think about cheating either!

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                    • Edited by Sjur Eido: 2/21/2015 6:56:30 PM
                      I was a bit harsh.

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                    • Xbox doesn't have that option of letting others control your character. -blam!- PlayStation. Go buy an xBox

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                      4 Replies
                      • Sorry for u

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                      • you get what you deserve....if you attempt to cheat then you must be willing to accept the consequences. anyone thats every bent the rules knows what happens if you get caught. Its terrible that he deleted the account, yeah thats harsh, but who is wrong here? Both people! Better get back to the grind. Punishment fits the Crime! IMO

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                      • I watched the last bit of the video I'm truly sorry and would like to help any way I can

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                      • Hey I'm sorry to hear about this. I know how much time it takes to get characters to that level and the work it takes to get exotics and the armor. If there's anyway I can help whether it be power leveling and helping through raids let me know. Me and my clan Dreaded Wolves would be more than happy to help you out.

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