A known troller deleted my characters – is there any way to get them back? I caught it on video, watch starting at 13:28 and you can watch him delete my characters. I have blocked him and his friend, PLEASE help me,the characters he deleted were at level 31 with exotics, it took me 2 months to get to this level and I don't think it's fair that I have to start over!
I laughed man, sorry. You were trying to cheat and got suckered, it happens learn from it and move on.
U dumba$$ u truly got what u deserved tryna cheat the game... Why the hell don't people actually play the game the way it was intended. No matter where I go or who I play with there is always somebody tryna cheat or glitch the game. Well this kid finally got what was right for him and I hope his fukin dreams are crushed like Forreal just play the dam game
Sorry dude sometimes you just come across a bunch of fags add me BLITZ-DESTRUCTOR and I will help u rank up :-)
Also I'm trying to add you on the psn but your name won't appear..its just a blank space that shows up.
Hey, CuckooknightHD. It sounds like this guy violated the SEN terms of service. Although Bungie may not be able to do anything about it, you should report him to PlayStation. (I would suggest anyone else with a PlayStation who supports this kid do the same.) Honestly, you were trying to cheat by letting him level you up, but what KirmitTHEfrog did was far worse, in my opinion. Plus, I imagine you've learned your lesson. Here's a link telling you how to report abusive users to the folks at PlayStation: https://support.us.playstation.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/218/~/report-inappropriate-or-abusive-users
Sup Kid. I watched your video, I'm Xbox so I can't give you a hand or help you level your characters back. But this was a sucky thing to do, and knowing how gamers stick together I'm pretty sure Kirmit is feeling pretty miserable right now. And yeah I get you were trying to cheat, and hopefully this was a lesson learnt the hard way, but I know all the die hard twats that are babbling on about exploits and cheating blah blah have all exploited or cheated at some point in their gaming lives. Anyone here that plays Fifa and has sclored a sweaty goal has taken advantage of an exploit in the game mechanics. So don't worry little dude, ignore the haters and don't trust anyone. Look me up when you switch to a decent console :)
Hey bud add me HEBREW_HAMMER666 I also sent you a message on bungie.net
Man this is so out of order it's still annoying me days after seeing it Add me if you ever need a hand bud Psn same as above
What's a run on sentence?
Hey if you want to get all your characters back to normal I know this glitch Its to hard to explain but if you share play with me I can do it
Edited by stinkyspoon69: 2/21/2015 11:19:22 AMGet -blam!-ing REKT
AHAH thats what you get scum. Cheating isnt allowed here,GTFO.
You should not be playing this game. You are breaching PSN and Bungies terms of service. As well as playing a game that is rated Teen. You're breaching several contracts as well as attempting to cheat in the game. You should be banned.
He was trying to cheat kids a dumbass don't feel bad for this idiot
Not to be rude, but anyone could get to level 31 in a week. Or you could do it faster if you got carried.
I just looked at your profile. There's a 31 hunter all decked out with Crota weapons, armor, shader, and the damn ship. See? Bungie totally has the ability to restore characters...
Then why did you want to cheat in the first place??
Id be happy to run the raid with you and try and re-lvl your characters up again anytime add twitch420-_- our raid term would be happy to help you out
This guy is full of shit, check out his characters, full raid weapons. Just an attention seeking little kid. Even got the raid ship. Clearly put his stuff in the vault
What happened was really messed up. Nobody deserves that but at the same time why would you give a stranger control over your account.seems odd to me. It really sucks but idt it would be fair to restore any of your lost items as others have accidentally deleted things and you practically gave yours up..Either way lesson learned..I hope
I find it very telling to see Bungie actually say something different from the norm on "lost" items/characters after it happens to a kid.... After, ya know, same guy did this to another user [i]2 months back[/i]. Way to go Bungie...
I'm sorry dude this rly sucks. If I was on ps4 I'd help you try to lvl back up. Keep your chin up.
Hey bud. First off I want to say and speak for the members of my clan Raid Guardians Collective (RGC), that we're here to support you in any way possible and would like to lend a helping hand. We saw your video, and totally disagree with what has happened to you, it really disgusts us! Anyways, if you would like, join our Clan and we would love to help you power level your characters to 20 (without bogus glitches or shareplay), and also help you through raids etc to get you to lvl 32. If you don't want to join the clan, that's cool too, just hit me up and we can still help you out! PSN: Tumaz04
If you look in the video i had nothing to do with cuck getting deleted I left the party to go eat and then kermit joined. I got back and started playing crucible then kermit invited me to his party and i joined. the about 1 min later cuck joined. And then i found out what happened. i even helped carry cuck through raids with my clan The pwndock saints.....so im tired of being blamed for something that kermit did while i was gone.
Why the hell are you blaming Aztec when he wasn't even there when Kermit deleted the stuff