A known troller deleted my characters – is there any way to get them back? I caught it on video, watch starting at 13:28 and you can watch him delete my characters. I have blocked him and his friend, PLEASE help me,the characters he deleted were at level 31 with exotics, it took me 2 months to get to this level and I don't think it's fair that I have to start over!
I feel ur pain man. If u ever need help leveling up quick and doing hard stuff. I'll help ya out.
When cheating backfires:)
if you were on Xbox one i would help you level back up bro.
Tough break kiddo
Keep ur head up young padawon. If you need help restoring just add me. I saw the video and reported his bulling. Lesson learned though trust nobody!
Guys he's 11 cut him some slack. How many times in school have you cheated or thought about it. At least once but probably more. I'm destiny everyone is searching for the easy way of course due to the fact that really this game is not that easy at times. Regardless of why he did it or what age he is, this should not exist. I don't buy into the whole bungie can't do anything cause they even said they are trying to make this kind of thing easier to recover from. Yes he learned the hard way but I don't think saying he got what he deserved for "cheating" is right at all. Playstation shouldn't have that feature also. It paves the way for things like this. But be that as it may little dude, if u ever need help, TheAlpineJedi as well as many others on here are here to help. Add me. :)
Edited by TruthHurts: 2/22/2015 4:32:10 PMHey kid let me share play with you. Lmao. No but seriously kirmit did u a favor. When a guy offers you candy to get in his van, you'll think of kirmit.
Shitty… however Playstation really should've added such a redundant option -.-
Edited by zekeic: 2/23/2015 4:18:44 PMFirst of all I will say as many has said: Never trust any stranger even if you have them on psn friend list ...unless you actually know them. You have learned a hard lesson young man... But the thing that Kirmit did was awful...as many have already said, we have Cheese, glitch our way to get past Knightfalls...Raids and etc.....We have Loot Caved it up...We have done things to advance the easy way,.... not all but most of us. So I can see why you thought this was a possible thing to think(though most would have think this is impossible )... But you actually serve a purpose for the lots ...the purpose of to be aware that Share Play can be unsafe. Also shows us Parents to be a little more aware of what our children watch and play when it comes to online psn/xbox social sharing. You probably have help Bungie too; to see how they can do future saving of characters. Maybe there should be some sort of rollback if you share play... Anyhow I cannot help you...I feel bad for you in some level. But at least you have made headlines(be on Game sites, recognition, etc), so you can at least feel that you might have some support and more recognition in the online world. As for the guy Kirmit who in some sites says he was sick and someone was using his psn...really hard to believe....so victim is a victim too...whatever, the point is: it was a douche thing to do and even though the kid is getting some shaming he will also get that too.
I honestly feel bad for you. [spoiler]just kidding! i wouldn't mind having my ringtone being you sobbing.[/spoiler] ps [spoiler]i added him. he's cool if you're not a naive scrub.[/spoiler]
#1 Aztec had nothing to do with this #2 its your fault for being dumb enough to give control of your ps4 to another guy trying to cheese the game
That's what you get for trying to cheat you dumbass kid. Your are the reason why schools need to start have a class called COMMON SENSE.
Add myself barnzy86, I'll help ya with what ya need when im online mate.
Ok guys game informer got wrong info about kirmitThefrog. His name is Aaron and he is in his 20's and his account has 120 platinums(for identification purposes)
Its really your fault you tried to cheat the game. Also if you were dumb enough to give full control of your xbox to a stranger than you were just asking for it. Also azTec didn't have a part in that
I'll will give you justice give me time and the whole psn nation will exile him
Me and the Xx Original Guardian xX are here to help!!!!!! Please get ahold of me!!!!!!
Edited by a hobbit: 2/22/2015 8:15:08 PMGreat lesson sorry you had to learn it the hard way Also if you had an xbox that wouldn't have happened
"A-chilies" what are they even teaching in schools anymore?
I feel sorry for you man. I'm prayin to rngesus for a way to get your characters back but bungie have said that they cannot restore characters. :,,(
Man I'm an Xbox one and 360 but yo that's -blam!-ed up. Bungie has to help him. That's not fair to the kid
Edited by 480p: 2/22/2015 10:49:10 PMI truly feel sorry for this kid [spoiler]Nah it was his fault, next time dont be so gullible[/spoiler] Now, when that man tells you he has candy in his van, think of kirmit
Looks like Kirmit is too much of a pu[i]s[/i][i]s[/i]y To show himself, went to the YouTube channel he has and people are trying to get him flagged there too. He his getting hate messages and people are trying to get him to join in psn chat but the coc[i]k[/i] knuckle isn't responding, Some people on reddit are saying if he doesn't get banned, they are going to take matters into their own hands and hack his account(remains to be seen)
Hey man I saw the video and then wanna help you build your characters back up. Add me, my ID is MAXIUMUS89. You might not get your characters back, but I can carry you through anything u need me to as a level 32. So just message me and let me know if you need my help.
I laughed man, sorry. You were trying to cheat and got suckered, it happens learn from it and move on.