A known troller deleted my characters – is there any way to get them back? I caught it on video, watch starting at 13:28 and you can watch him delete my characters. I have blocked him and his friend, PLEASE help me,the characters he deleted were at level 31 with exotics, it took me 2 months to get to this level and I don't think it's fair that I have to start over!
Hey everyone come follow me on Twitch I'll be streaming lots of games. Also giveaways are coming soon..... http://www.twitch.tv/queenpurple_
You have caught my attention I would like to invite you on my stream as a guest of honor and we will do any thing you want
If you were being smart, you wouldn't have share played with him. Stop complaining, you did it and now it happened.
Edited by ChetrsNvrProsper: 2/20/2015 10:16:12 PMdo you want to talk about whats fair and what isnt? i dont think its fair for you to try to cheat and exploit a game to get an advantage over other players who had to put in the grind to get their characters to that level legitimately and fairly. do you think its fair to those users that bungie should restore your characters because you failed at exploiting their game the first time? of course being a child youll just go and try it over again because you never learned your lesson the first time and got punished. learn a lesson from this kid. dont trust random strangers on the internet, and dont try to cheat your way through life. do you really believe that some internet stranger is going to go out of his way to help you cheat your way through life with absolutely nothing to gain out of it in his favour? .theyre only looking out for their own best interests. news flash: not everybody out there is looking to be your friend. its a cruel world son. not every hand is going to play out in your favor.. IMO you deserved that. as a lesson. at the very least i have no sympathy for you over what you tried to do. you knew what you were trying to do. the fact that you had to stream this over the internet just to show off and let them all know what a cool cheat you are while you tried to promote such unsportsmanlike activities is even more disgraceful, so dont try to pretend like you didnt know what you were doing. its all there on video why do you even feel you deserve anything for what you tried to do? learn from this and dont trust random people. grow up and learn a sense of morality before you lead a criminal life of cheating and stealing.. its a video game. no need to cry. just start over again. 2 months is nothing., try losing all your save game data due to a hard drive corruption, or something that is out of your hands, and then get back to me about what is fair and what isnt. you tried to cheat the game,. it didnt work out in your favor, and now youre being entitled and thinking you deserve to get your characters back. cheaters never prosper.
Cuckooknight it wasn't the real kirmitTHEfrog he was in a car accident and was asleep his friends got in to his account then deleted your characters and plan c so kirmitTHEfrog (the real one) didn't delete ur stuff his friends did. it's still a really jerky thing to do who ever did it and the other guy idk bout him. So sry about ur characters and exotics when I get a ps4 I will try to help u even though I'll be a lvl 1
So, this is starting to make it's way around. I wanted to share with the community and see what they think about it. Apparently, this story gets deeper and deeper. http://www.gameinformer.com/b/features/archive/2015/02/22/man-accused-of-deleting-11-year-old-s-destiny-data-is-a-victim-also.aspx
Like someone said, be careful who you trust. I don't think Bungie can help you, seeing as how you kind of out yourself in that position (willingly or unwillingly) and you were also trying to cheat (albeit a small cheat but still). You said it yourself, it took you only two months to get all those characters and exotics; I'm still trying to level up one character to 32 ever since he game came out. So you're good at it. It's not ideal and I feel bad for you but you'll be fine soon. Whoever did it will get what's coming but YOU can't do anything about it. You can only move forward from here, kid.
Sorry man, heads up, it is just a game, some weird people out there, don't let them influence you, it is always alright and balanced, just stay optimistic
Streaming under this name watch watch watch
Hey man, that was completely wrong what happened to you. I hate bullies...if you need a hand levelling or running strikes, nightfalls, weeklies, & eventually raids - let me know. I just feel bad for you & wanted to offer my help. PSN: saint4hire
Edited by Lockyiii: 2/25/2015 2:31:11 AMReminds me of the item dupers in Diablo 2. Brother's friend gave his account info to some stranger and got his stuff stolen. Was his own fault then and its your fault now. Good news is it's just a game and you can do it all again. Keep your head up, learn the lesson of never trusting online dickwads and go have some fun man. Sucks it happened and the guy is a complete douche bag but that's life. Don't let it kill things for you.
I feel very bad for u but u definitely don't deserve fate of all fools
Cuckoo, I feel for you buddy. What this sociopathic bully did to you was so wrong. Don't listen to all the teen/tween gaming community sheeple saying you deserved it for cheating. You hadn't done anything wrong at this point - you were tricked and mislead by a sociopath and a bully and it really sucks. Hearing your reaction to your characters being deleted broke my heart. I would have reacted the same way. Don't listen to these tweens who make up most of the gaming community, especially in a game like this. They think they have life all figured out and they are quick to judge everyone using their vast amount of accumulated wisdom at their ripe old ages of 18-25 years (sarcasm). Just... don't let the internet comments get to you. Keep gaming and/or doing what makes you happy. Take breaks when the vitriol of the internet and social media start to wear on you. Be wary of people/strangers, but do not entirely lose your ability to trust. I for one think Bungie should restore your characters. They, however, are obviously scared of setting this precedent. Hopefully your story will make Bungie and other game developers place more security around character / item deletion and perhaps more security once SharePlay has been activated.
Edited by diegofreak: 2/24/2015 4:54:56 PMThere's a post on gamespot (i think) about this whole story...looks like it wasn't kermit! Kermit is a 26 old guy who suffered a head on car collision a few months ago and has been recuperating in bed half a sleep due to pain medication ...he has lots of friends and people coming and going visiting him at his mom's house, even family kids! They are not sure who's messing with his acount, but the whole story is was confirmed by his mom with police report from the accident, medical bills, etc. Even playstation network is involved...here's the link http://www.gamespot.com/articles/man-accused-of-deleting-stranger-s-destiny-files-p/1100-6425466/
Some of you people are ridiculous. Closed minded and ignorant. He's a kid. His life revolves around school and playing. This is heartbreaking for him cause this is what he enjoys and there is nothing wrong with that. Have some compassion for your fellow man. "He deserves it he shouldn't of been cheating." I agree cheating is wrong, BUT let's be honest here. Destiny is the glitchiest, cheesiest game. I'm willing to say a good 90% of you have done some sort of cheese, rather it be a loot cave to cheesing the bridge on crota. The term "cheese" is well known in Destiny. Why? Cause everyone does it. He's a kid. He hasn't endured the true shittiness of the world to the full yet. He's just had his first taste. He got excited to get some help from a fellow guardian and the excitement clouded any thought of possibly being screwed. I wish I could of been there when (for the people making fun of him) you got bullied, beat up or turned down by a girl so I could laugh in your face and call you a little pussy bitch. People make mistakes and next time you make one I hope there is somewhere there calling you an idiot. Its tough cuckoo, but it's a hard lesson learned. There is a lot of good people here that are going to help you out. If anything, at least you will make some new friends. Ones you can trust. Good luck buddy
I'm sorry for what happened to you but you did learn a lesson of not trusting someone you don't know
1. You tried cheating and should be banned 2. You're under the age requirement for this game and should be banned 3. It's a -blam!-ing video game it's not the end of the world idk why people feel so bad. These nerds make this game their life so they couldnt imagine it getting deleted smh
Trimming armor for free! Gimmie ur rune armor and ill gold trim it you can trust me ;D.
Okay everybody that keeps on saying that cuckoo knight should be banned for trying to exploit the game, How about you think of this you guys probably cheesed and glitched on the game and won't admit it. So don't treat him like shit. How'd you like it if you spent hours and hours grinding and then BOOM your characters get deleted by idiots like kirmitTHE-blam!-ing frog.
Hey i'm truly sorry for you man... Don't listen to the losers saying that the other guy is cool it's just wrong... Sorry but there is no way to get back what he deleted but what you can do is play the missions over again by using what you still have until you get to level 20 it should be a lot easier than doing it completely from scratch. After that i'm pretty sure people will be nice enough to do a raid with you due to what has happened. I had a PS4 and played Destiny and ranked my characters to levels 31, 28, 20. I have like 15 exotic items throughout all my characters. I then got an Xbox One and had to start all over again... If you want to play with me on Playstation 4 send me a message that your interested and I will send you my username. Thanks and i'm sorry again to what happened to you. -Koolerthanu
Sorry buddy. Kermit tha douche bag will get his one day.
I am going to start streaming in 10 min and me and my friends(all of which know kermit on psn) are going to talk about the whole situation
That's that ps4 junk.. Never on the xb1..
You tried to cheat. You are too young to be on the game anyway. Nor should you have a Twitch account. Plus you have the personality of a bar of hotel soap. You should be banned from Destiny and your parents should learn how to properly raise a kid.
I feel ur pain man. If u ever need help leveling up quick and doing hard stuff. I'll help ya out.