A known troller deleted my characters – is there any way to get them back? I caught it on video, watch starting at 13:28 and you can watch him delete my characters. I have blocked him and his friend, PLEASE help me,the characters he deleted were at level 31 with exotics, it took me 2 months to get to this level and I don't think it's fair that I have to start over!
I hope It happens again
I'll help I sent friend request The_Goober_420
Keep bumping if u couldn't care less
You tried to cheat and paid the Price. What are you crying about? Can't understand people here even feel sorry for you. Serious players spending hours and hours trying to level up don't cheat and you trying to and even getting help from people in here is like pissing on the serious players. If you had been hacked I would have helped you in no time as long as it took. But not when you are trying to cheat and failed
Never trust strangers, or anyone on the Internet. Hope Bungie bans this sickening amphibian.
Edited by StarMakesPlays: 7/29/2017 3:56:05 PM
Willing to help. Add ziino1
I'd help you out, if only I had ps4.
Hey dude, I'm sorry about what happened, just like the other 99.99 percent of us do, but just so you realize, your going to become a hot spot for hackers and trolls. There are people out there who don't want to see anything but the crippling defeat of some person who is weak from it, and they wont stop until they are satisfied with the weeps of sorrow that follow. There are plenty of people that would help you out, but then there will be plenty of people who want to down grade your experience. All in all, this will most likely not stop for you, so please, choose thoughs you trust carefully, even if they seem friendly at times. If you ever wanna hook up in a fireteam, CuckoohknightHD, my PSN is TimeBomber767. See you on the battlefield, -TimeBomber767
Cuckooknight friend me.
http://www.gameinformer.com/b/features/archive/2015/02/24/suck-it-up-says-teen-who-deleted-11-year-old-s-destiny-characters.aspx Game informer researched the whole thing if anyone still cares. Hopefully Kirmit can stop receiving threats as well.
If you want bro you can send me a friend request my PSN is grevious02 and I will try to get destiny for cheap so I then help you with your problem. if you have any questions and things for for me don't hesiatate to ask/send me a message on psn. i usally always get back to you around 20 minutes after the message is sent
dude I am so sorry this happened to you bro all I can do is give you my prayers.
bro i will help you with anything but i cant add you😂 but i am sorry and i hope you feel better .
Anyone on these forums that is trying to troll you, just ignore. They are all just chicken shit bastards who talk a big game in forums because they can hide behind computer screen. If this had happened to any of them, regardless of the circumstances, they would be whining and complaining about it. You have handled it the right way and I'm sorry that this has happened to you. It's a tough way to learn not to give out any info, especially for someone so young. Hang in there man! And for all you trolls, you should be ashamed. You won't be because you're the scum of the earth, but you should be. He is an 11 year old. You were probably still picking your noses and eating it at 11 (you are probably still doing it). Grow up and show some respect. You can think whatever you want, but trolling the kid just shows how immature you are. I've found that trollers are always the first to whine when things don't go the way they want. Patches, prices, RNG, etc. This kid has handled the situation as well as anyone could. Anyone who bashes him for crying during this upsetting development should just assume that they will either never have kids, never find anyone that wants to have kids with them, or suffer some fatal karma early in the child's life. Get over yourselves. To kirmitTHEfrog - Fantastic attempt at a cover story. Your account. Your problem. No one did it for you, you did it all your own. You should be ashamed of yourself. You deserve all of the flak you are receiving and then some. I hope karma comes back to ruin your gaming experience just as you have ruined the experience for this child. Hackers, go get him.
Sorry to hear kid... seriously. If I was on PS4 i would help you get your stuff back.
I say take all there gear and weapons and gift it to that kid.
You are in violation of Bungie's code of conduct, you have been reported
I'm sorry to bother you about it this late, but I understand what's happening with you and I'd like to help you out. Would you please send me a friend request? My gamertag is the same as my name. I can't bear to see someone treated like this.
I kek'd
Edited by Enderium: 2/26/2015 10:29:21 PMYou pretty much invited him to it. You tried to cheat and got wrecked. Not Bungie's problem. Edit: How on Earth do you expect people yo sympathize with you, when the video is private!!
The thing is, you deserved it.
Hahaha best troll ever sounds like a personal promblem hahaha
Hey everyone come follow me on Twitch I'll be streaming lots of games. Also giveaways are coming soon..... http://www.twitch.tv/queenpurple_
Lol banter