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Edited by blanq: 1/17/2015 12:32:02 PM


It seems like not many people know what legitimately is, or, rather they take the game too seriously with the items of this game and it goes way in over their heads. Let me clarify this. Xur is selling Ice Breaker for 1/16/15. Fantastic. Great. But what's up with all these "you haven't earned it" or "ice breaker nerfs"? The only "earned" portion of this game which I believe are venders weapons and Xur's list of items every weekend and here's why: 1.) Your grinding marks to get venders items. 2.) For newcomers or people just recently starting on a new character, your working on bounties to get your vender levels to 2/3 to obtain the items. 3.) Xur is like "Santa". For all we know Bungie could have 100% excluded him from the game and had us all bid on RNG 100% for exotic drops which are very low in this game. He has been created and put in the game as a sense of grace for players. Whatever he sells in those weeks are perhaps "earned" through strange coin weekly strikes. Any drops you get are 100% RNG (unless if you want to get into the topic of a rumor of this game is not 100% RNG there are some topics out there that claim so with fair evidence). You haven't earned it. In fact, with all due respect, half of you shouldn't have "earned" the exotics you are wielding now. Even items. If your still not with me, stay with me on this part of the experience. Let's say these people "earned it": 1.) Oh that guy who has a sinking score of 2 kills and 20 deaths in the crucible and is last in place? Got a Red Death drop. Everyone else in the team got either rares or nothing. He earned it!!!! 2.) Oh your friend or random person who jumped in the nightfall or raid at the last moment and the game ends got a GHorn drop. The whole team got either materials or rares or items they've already have. He earned it!!!!! 3.) That one guy in a ROC strike that stays afk and let the other two teammates do all the work got a exotic drop at the endgame table. He earned it!!!! If you honestly think that these moment above are earned then in my opinion that is not -blam!-ING earned. It's upright -blam!-ING LUCKY and in fact some: bullshit. You also need to factor in this: 1.) Not everyone thinks the IB or GHorn is the "best" weapon in the game. Everyone has their own weapon layout and different playstyle. 2.) Newcomers: there will always be new people jumping into this game and by the RNGesus majority of them probably won't have IC or GHorn. We need to remember those portion of the community. 3.) Complicated but I've met some people that right before the DLC drop they couldn't be level 30 because of RNG until the DLC drop. Level 30's were RNG chosen at that time. 4.) Favoritism: before I got the GHorn I personally (and believe others) experienced some negative of being denied of joining raids because person X doesn't have MUST NEEDED weapon A. Really mother-blam!-ers? Let me sum up: 1.) Items are not earned in this game unless through vendors or Xur. Period 2.) Bungie gave players grace by creating a NPC called Xur to come on weekends for a chance at some of the most rarest items and for some items we wouldn't care about. 3.) Bungie changed the algorithm for Crotas End so the RNG is a bit "smarter" of knowing what it dropped you before so you have a better shot at level 32 in which my opinion is a good thing and lately I've been hearing people are near 32 which is great. 4.) Players should not be based 100% on levels and weapons. In fact I believe a good portion is: 20% based on armour, 20% based on level, 20% based on weapons stats/abilities, 40% based on skill (cmon, the mother-blam!-er needs to know how to aim and shoot and reflexes and so on) Just because a player is 32 does not mean he or she is the shit. Not bashing on everyone but I've met a couple full 31 fireteams or 32 fireteams that fail critically in a raid because of either there is no skill/order/upgraded weapons/etc. Too much rant or too much listing but this is it for now. Comment below maturely with some good backbone to your comment if your against this. Yeah went slightly off topic as well. *** THIS IS MY OPINION OF THE VIEW OF "EARNED" DOES NOT CONTRIBUTE TO 100% OF PLAYERS -- Addition 1: perhaps there should be some changes to the way Xur represents towards us. Instead of selling exotics to us he should "sell" us a or some exotic bounties, unique to each of its own. Not only its weapon but armour as well. As well as implementing a smart system knowing what exotics you already have and doesn't give you a bounty that ends up in the same item. It's a work in theory but a thought. Addition 2: some of you guys replied below that exotic bounties are earned. That I agree all the way, double rainbow. Addition 3: Edits are on the way

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  • I watched a video from PlanetDestiny and the dude had a 33 K/D ratio at the end a control match. His entire team got rare shit except for him. He should have "earned" a goddamn icebreaker or suros or SOMETHING. There have been games of control where a quarter of our team's points are just from myself but I still have never received anything great from the crucible. The worst part is after a crucible match and you see on the feed that someone on the losing team gets an exotic. Praise RNGsus!!!!!

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  • Well this small novel you posted really shut everyone up didn't it?

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    1 Reply
    • People take xur for granted. He's the answer to the bad luck some people have with rng. Bungee did something right by giving everyone access to good gear EVERY WEEK. I've done quite fine with rng, but it boggles my mind when people are pissed that xur isn't selling something, they miraculously find it through rng, then they're pissed because xur finally sells it and they don't feel special anymore. Here are my list of rng obtained guns. Hard light Thorn (sort of) Thunderlord x2 Icebreaker Gjallarhorn Last word Vex Bad juju SGA Pocket infinity Plan c Invective Patience and time No land beyond Universal remote Dragons breath Truth Mida multi tool The list goes on and on. Guns I've bought from xur Ice breaker No land beyond (before rng, just cause) Last word Patience and time Truth Suros regime Only exotic gun I have never found has been red death. One way or another I have just about rng'd every gun xur has sold. So everyone stop bitching like idiots about people not deserving weapons.

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    • I think that Thorn is earned too.

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      • Cryday always brings out the "Xurners" vs "earners" bullshit, been that way for 19 weeks. You'd think the veterans would've gotten used to it by now.

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        • Too long for something that is common knowledge.

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          • "Earned" is often mistakingly used for "got lucky".

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            • Lol your just another noob that finally got a good gun handed to you

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              31 Replies
              • Edited by DaiBoOk: 1/17/2015 4:52:39 PM
                agreed anyone that is deluded enough to say I didn't earn IB gear I would more then likely out slay them on any playlist. with a little as as I've done raids or know the ins and out I'll out kill and server my roll and cover others murdering mobs off them surounded. The large majority of the these kids spouting the earner crap get dragged though strikes and raids making poor tactical decisions the entire way or sitting in the back of the map sniping with ib hardly accomplishing anything

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              • So what your saying is nobody can possibly jump in at the end of the weekly and get Strange coins, nor can you get them from engrams that fall off of low level mobs in patrol. All strange coins are "earned" no matter how they were received? I think everything everyone gets is earned no matter how you got it because you paid for the game and nobody can take those items from you.... Enjoy your rant sir

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              • Edited by winteridyll: 1/17/2015 12:45:55 PM
                I dont understand why people always have these ideas to add more grind to the game. As if there isnt enough grind already...

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              • Hey look someone I can finally agree with here :)

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              • You are wrong, Deej has said so. Explanation here:

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                • Tl:dr But I assume it's the goes do your job to earn money to buy things you want. VS. You do the weekly to earn coins to buy exotics you want. Complaining otherwise is just plain petty Least I hope that's what it all says up there

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                  3 Replies
                  • Great post. I read a post where the fellow tried to explain why "earning" his IB via RNG makes him and others like him feel special. This insecurity I believe breeds jealousy and envy. Coveting a video game weapon for the sake of it's usefulness in order to complete raids more efficiently seems to be a more useful endeavor . Not sure why some feel as though it is their right to possess. Perhaps it is an example of human nature at it's worse . But the logic behind receiving a random drop in order to feel special seems quite preposterous and childish. Holding onto the ideal that "if I have it, others should not", seems very fragile indeed. it does not breed respect or envy from strong willed players. On the contrary, it breeds pity and compassion for those who enjoy this game for it's social aspect. It makes one believe that it must be sad and lonely to only have your Icebreaker to share the raids with. Instead of developing good friendships and camaraderie.

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                    2 Replies
                    • Bump

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                    • if you think doing a level 8 strike i could do with my eyes closed for 30 strange coins is hard then you are stupid

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                      2 Replies
                      • Exotic Weapon Bounty completion is also earning.

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                        2 Replies
                        • All of this I believe is correct to include exotic weapon bounties

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                          • Dude, you speak the truth. You're much more logical than these arrogant morons who walk around gloating about "earning" items merely by pure luck rather than actual work. It pisses me off how so many players in the community will call someone a noob because they'd rather work for the items than have instead of relying on some random ass system to hand it to them. Grinding your ass off for the currency to purchase these items is what makes you a true "earner". I'd wish more people would realize that. And personally, even though I've been wanting Ice Breaker since the first time Xur sold it, I went for Obsidian Mind as I find it more useful to me. Why the hell do I need a sniper that only regenerates 6 shots at a time when I can just use my scout rifle with the Shoot to Loot perk to pick up special ammo as needed? There's always a workaround that works just as well.

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                          • If you bought your Icebreaker with coins today, you're an Earner. You earned your coins, hence the reward purchase. If you already had an Icebreaker, then you either earned it before, or you're like myself, a Founder. I found mine. Nothing more to it. Can't we all just get along and shoot bad guys?

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                            2 Replies
                            • Some people are saying Exotic bounties should be in here. But it's a yes and no thing. It's RNG to even acquire a bounty. Yes, doing the task is 'earning' it. But acquiring the start is RNG. So it's a hybrid. Anyways, well said, so many idiotic people on this form, and many claim to be older. Jesus, people just can't actually grasp the concept of what is actually 'earning' in this game, and what is actually pure luck.

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                              2 Replies
                              • Rid guys just butthurt because he wasted his time trying to get one, and now that it's being sold his time was wasted so yea why even make this stupid posts!!!!!

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                              • I'm with you, the only exotics that can really be considered earned are bounties because you have to be able to compete a set of challenges.. most ppl that "earned" there icebreaker, "earned" it similar to me. I got it from the first crota chest lol. Ppl that buy it from zur this week earned it more than I did, at least they had to do some strikes.

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                              • borderlands has a much lower drop rate for "exotic" guns and people complain that destiny takes too long to get them? please, kill one boss 1,000 times with no drop then come talk

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                                15 Replies
                                • "Earned" = lucky break with RNG

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