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7/2/2015 10:36:35 AM

I thought I was above this...

Okay so just recently I became enraged by Bungie's lack luster content a.k.a vanilla Destiny. I suddenly feel the need to rant about this B.S. because I've gone on too long without speaking my mind to anyone. Destiny is a piece of garbage compared to what it once was and continues to pile on more of it. To start off my ranting I would like to say that the pricing (and yes everyone knows) of the original game was crap, MAKING US PAY $90/$100 FOR THAT SUB PAR CONTENT YOU CALL A GAME. Not only did the game have no story and very little to show for after all the promises and hype they've made for the community; but they still obviously have no intent on fixing this. Continuing, Destiny has soooo much potential to be the best game out there, but due to lame cuts in the game they've made it basic...more basic then white girls and starbucks (examples of these false promises and lame cuts can be seen in early interviews with Bungie employees). Adding on the fact that there is proof of the MAJOR SCAM Bungie and Activision pulled and that gamers still don't care is insane to me. Honestly where has the love for games gone, why pay companies to slap you in the face? Finally, I just want to say that the PVP in Destiny has major replay value and they didn't fail on that one; but @Deej what happened to the story tellers we knew and loved? - True Gamers Everywhere

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  • Edited by KKorrupt: 7/3/2015 5:02:59 PM
    PvP needs dedicated servers in my opinion. But other than that, Destiny's a really fun game. If you don't like playing it, rather than complaining about it, just stop playing it.

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    • The game is crap... But the mechanics are sound... If you want back story, Halo fits fairly well lol

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      • I know that feeling. But deej won't answer anything and bungie doesn't care.

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        • Edited by YOH015: 7/3/2015 9:34:35 AM
          Harrumph to everything......except to MP. This mode is unbalanced and broken as hell with piss poor servers, and players being able to cheat their way to victory without any repercussions. Edit: Also the loot drops in MP are still crap.

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          • Edited by The 7th fall: 7/3/2015 4:22:16 AM
            Ok mostly everything you've said is right on, but PvP has NO REPLAY VALUE AS OF NOW! It is overwhelmingly imbalanced, its primarily exotic hand cannon wars, if not that Party Crasher/Matador/Felwinter's Lie shotgun wars, blink/shotgun, lots of panic supering, and all Bungie has done to remedy it is just crack sub par jokes about it... the recent youtube interview with Wil Wheaton was just a huge slap in the face to Destiny PvPers. The reason we use shotguns is because everyone else is, and it ain't easy to compete with shotguns that have ridiculous range in Destiny. So why call us ALL shi*tty players?! Even if it's a (sub-par)joke, it ain't funny to me.

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            • bump

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            • The PvP is garbage and has been so since day 1. If they would have just focused the effort they put into that, into the story the game would be light years better. Instead they keep putting bad money after worse money trying to keep it alive. Between the server issues, the Massive voids in the story, and the Complete absence of a functioning in game LFG/optional matchmaking, Destiny will continue in its death spiral. Bungievision seriously F***ed up with their development plan.

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              • "I just want to say that the PVP in Destiny has major replay value and they didn't fail on that one;"full of nothin but hand cannons and cheaters but ya they didn't story?it is there.but ya you have to log into a 3rd party app or website to read there lil cards.matchmaking is that even in this game?gear why bother?other than looks lvl 32 gear is the same as any other 32 gear cept a stat or 2.repetitive add infinity for an rng based hard mode raid get same shit you get off a lvl 1 trog.minus a lil bit of is as basic as you can get.there is a reason i quit playing after the auto nerf.and would still not be playin had a friend not bought this raging turd so i could play with him.but i am over it for all of you who like it enjoy.hope they fix not waste time commenting game is deleted as will this lame attempt at group finder another thing missing in a mmo that should be standard but meh enjoy the game folks.

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                • Edited by gallp13: 7/3/2015 3:50:16 AM
                  OK get your are pissed. But here are a couple of facts; 1. Pricing is set by Activision not Bungie heres the relevant extract from Section 1A Release Plan A of the Bungie-Activsion contract; [i]"Activision will have control and final approval over all decisions relating to retail sales and promotions, discounts, rebates, etc.,..."[/i] 2. The game has story - the story was in the Grimoire - some like this approach some don't - but there is story. Q: What is the MAJOR SCAM ?

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                  • On the story portion of your rant. This game has a 10 year plan. Thus far we've seen 1/10 of the story.

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                    • Bump

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                    • I think I read that Marty started his own game company, hopefully he's making the Destiny we were promised.

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                      • Is that u batman?

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                        2 Replies
                        • Wanna talk about the TOO and IB? This 2 events suck because: 1)TOO is full of lag switcher 2)IB is become ultra unbalanced from when Bungie release the new level caps 3) Think with thorn i can deal 91 critical to one people with one level under mine and only 71 with that people with 1 level above mine (veeeery huge difference) 4)People run, jump, teleport and use only failwinter or any kind of shootgun 5)Each times appear a window and said "attention connecting to destiny server" And still they want our money? Pls tell me its a joke ok?

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                          • I have one question...WHY DO YOU POST THIS STUFF! I know you want to rant but really post this in the game forums where people like the game?! We don't need crap like this in forums! If you don't like the game why don't you just stop playing really

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                            • Bump

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                            • if your that enraged by Destiny then don't waste the time and energy to rant about it. Just stop playing Destiny and move on to the next game. A lot of good ones coming out r have already been released. Unlike other games where they fix known and new bugs, Bungie is constantly changing the game, and not always for the better. I would like to see more story line than has been released, and I don't mean in TTK.

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                              • Edited by Baracous: 7/2/2015 9:35:14 PM
                                Notice , the lack of a weekly update? Also ign just jumped their butts and told people not to buy The Taken King and to stop playing the game, So we are just waiting to see what happens. Most people don't even realize crota's end is still broken , people are just so used to cheesing through it they don't notice it anymore. Like IGN pointed out, bungie fixed crota so no one could solo or grab free loot from the abyss and just left the rest of the raid broken.

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                                • Bump

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                                • Played this game since day one... I loved it and continued playing due to one thing... It's potential. At this point I am beyond disappointed. You are right that PvP is Destiny's only saving grace, and I'm playing iron banner at the moment for fun, but other than that I've effectively quit since PvE offers me absolutely nothing. All content is just based on the grind. Little skill is involved, and I don't feel like there is any point to playing anymore. TTK will just offer a few minor changes I'm guessing. Destiny has become far removed from that open world "see that mountain in the distance... you can go there!" concept that it promised to be. Same crap every single week just with different burns. No epic quests, nothing to aspire to other than attaining some reskinned version of some gun that you already have in your vault through hundreds of hours of RNG grind. That being said, this is only year 1/10 and I hope bungievision get their act together and live up to their potential and promises. Until then, bethesda and EA will be getting my money while I occasionally blast a few guardians in PvP and check in on Bungie once in a while when taking a break from bloodborne.

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                                  • Actually, no one made you pay anything. You chose to. Most players here are flaunting ~1000 hours of game time which means the $90-100 spent is cents per hour. You'd be hard-pressed to find a better return for your money in the realm of hobbies. Could the game improve? Sure. Should you be whining about choosing to spend your money on something most have gotten their money's worth, whether they admit it or not? Nope

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