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4/14/2015 11:34:40 PM

How (I think) Damage should work in PvE and PvP

Hello everyone! With Bungie really following through with reading our ideas and comments on the forums I figured I would fully explain what I thought should be changed for Weapon damage with respect to PvE and PvP combat. SO! here goes. Damage is a difficult to understand fact in destiny. With very little numbers or values for us to compare to in the UI of the game we really have a hard time as gamers to crunch the various numbers that we are so used to in other MMO type games. What we see currently is the weapons damage number which currently can reach 332. Lets think of this as light level for a weapon. Now that number unfortunately does not contribute at all to how much damage you deal in PvP. For PvP, we need to look at that white little bar called "Impact". Im sure everyone that really goes on the forums or plays destiny alot already knows all this but i wanted to re-cap the facts first before i delved into what I think would be a amicable improvement to the UI and the overall Performance of weapons for both PvE and PvP. LETS GET INTO IT OK so my suggestion is not new in that i want weapons to be more consistent in filling their proper roles. I want to achieve this by changing how we see the damage numbers in destiny. We see only that white number on every weapon so what if Bungie were to add another number and call it the "PvP Damage" number, and color it red? Well not only would this make damage in the crucible much easier to understand, it would allow bungie to also organize the weapons and combat in their game. When you buy a Vanguard weapon, do you basically expect it to be a beast in PvE? Well yes of course, after all it is quite a challenge to get rank 3 Vanguard and then spend two whole weeks getting the marks for the weapon (Assuming you have none). So to me this means that Vanguard weapons should be pretty dang good in PvE. Now in PvP I expected all my Vanguard weapons to totally suck. After all i did only PvE events and combat in order to earn it. However currently alot of the Vanguard weapons are as good if not Better than Crucible weapons in PvP. This is pretty dumb in my opinion and needs alot of attention. In addition alot of Vanguard weapons have stats and bonus' that would out perform their counterpart Vanguard weapons in PvE combat. Again, whats going on here? If we were to add the second damage number to this game you would see a huge difference. For example lets take a Vanguard weapon called Up For Anything. Because it is a Vanguard weapon it would have a WHITE damage number max of 332. However its RED damage number would be much less than that at either 200 or 250. So then lets take a Crucible weapon called For The People. It would have a WHITE Damage number of 200 or 250 with a RED number reaching a max of 332. This would mean that although maxed out Up For Anything would do comparable damage to a BASE STAT For The People in PvP, at max rank the For The People would be much more superior. This is a very VERY important concept that Bungie needs to fix. This would allow them to change the way a weapon behaved in PvP without it affecting its performance in PvE. Now not all weapons would have a lower or higher RED damage. Those weapons would be the Blue weapons we get in drops and Exotics. Although i personally think that there SHOULD be PvE and PvP EXCLUSIVE Exotics, this would be very hard for Bungie to do and alot of players would probably be upset with the change. Exotics would therefore have both a max WHITE and RED damage of 332. A result of this change would include a change to the way engrams drop and behave. Legendary Engrams and weapons would drop much more often in the crucible because if you can no longer use legendary PvE weapons in the crucible there has to be more of a way to obtain PvP gear right? So Legendary Crucible Engrams would be purple with a red edge around their picture frame. The Cryptarch would decrypt these engrams just like any other but they would be guaranteed to give weapons with a PvP damage max stat. "Wait Tigs4! what about raid weapons?" Well guys, I want to remind everyone that raid gear is still intended for use in PvE. So its RED damage stat would still be lower than a Vanguard Quartermaster weapon. HOWEVER i suggest that all Raid weapons be given i higher PvE damage max level. After all they SHOULD be the best weapons obtainable and should feel as such. "Awh but Tigs4 that means PvP does not have something cool like that....." Not true at all. The Iron Banner could be comparable to Raids if it were changed a bit. However for Balance reasons, Iron Banner weapons should NOT have higher RED damage numbers than Crucible Quartermaster weapons. Unless they were to get something like a 10% damage boost when used in Iron Banner events. That to me would be acceptable. The availability for Iron Banner would then have to change. We are able to complete a Raid for rewards once a week. I would suggest a similar restriction for Iron Banner. Something like Every Friday or Saturday you can compete in Iron Banner PvP for 24 hours. Winning games grants 10 Iron Banner Marks and losing grants you 4 Marks. This would do away with the glimmer purchase system. However reputation would remain unchanged. Thank you if you read all the way down, i know that was a bit long winded. Let me know what you think of my thoughts!

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