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3/14/2015 4:43:05 PM

The Battle of Twilight Gap PVE suggestion

Considering the time traveling and confluxes that are weaved through the entire game, and the constant references to the battle of twilight gap, wouldn't it be possible / awesome to have a way for guardians to participate in the battle? Some kinda conflux or portal opens up and threatens to undo the victory. [quote]Lord Saladin is a legendary hero and defender of The City with a long career. Perhaps his most famous moment came during the infamous battle of the Twilight Gap when he led the City's forces to a hard-won victory over the combined forces of the Fallen Houses. It is known that both Lord Shaxx and Commander Zavala were his students.[/quote] You could earn crucible / vanguard points and marks for completing bounties within the battle and turning them into Zavala or Shaxx. Possibly time-lost symbols are artifacts. [quote]The Gjallarhorn was designed and personally crafted by Feizel Crux as a gift to the Guardians who fought the Battle of the Twilight Gap. It was forged from the armor of the Guardians who fell in battle.[/quote] Better yet, there could be a twilight gap rep for special armor that looks fancy and shit. It'd also fulfill it's own lore by having dead Guardians on the field wearing twilight gap armor. Could be a way of adding a firefight with matchmaking / skulls and add to the games lore or at least, not seem out of place.

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